A worn out contestant

Damn! I got hairy palms just for posting this! NSFW!!!

Masturbate-A-Thon 2008

If somebody had been standing outside of 1519 Mission Street, watching as people came and went beneath the pink awning on Sunday (quite possibly the unholiest Sunday in recent history), that somebody would have seen the stuff of legends. The Center for Sex & Culture was hosting its annual masturbate-a-thon, which has a way of drawing “San Francisco’s finest,” explained Sue, a voluptuous volunteer door greeter in a black corset and wild hair.

Though that door walked a hoary hippie who looked like Moses and was practiced in the way of tantra. He broke the world record for orgasming the most times (31). Then there was Kitty Kat, a 28-year-old erotic masseuse in pink cat ears, who masturbated with dildos, a vibrating five-fingered glove, and a sex machine, for seven hours (another new world record).

The surprise guests of honor were three Japanese men – all had come from Tokyo unannounced.
The “wankathon” as Lawrence likes to call it, traces back to 1995, after ex-surgeon general Jocelyn Elder was fired for saying in public that masturbation was part of human sexuality and should “perhaps be taught.” That’s when folks at Good Vibrations, a sex toy business, designated May the masturbation month. Then in 1999, the Center got provided a space for group masturbation, and its been raising thousands of dollars at the event (as have spin-offs in Portland and the UK) ever since.

Make sure to check out the video of the Japanese ‘tool’ that helped the winner come in first, and second and third and….

  1. Dallas says:

    I’ve been training for this event for years.

  2. Greg Allen says:

    I would have expected that this is one endurance sport that women are going to dominate the men, for sure. But the winner was a guy, right?

  3. chuck says:

    They should host an online masturbate-a-thon on twitter – everyone could just type with the other hand.

    Bob: Ah, ah, arh, nearly…

    Dvorak: Phraaaaarow!!!!!

    Chuck: Guh, guh, guh, bwaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    Mustard: God damn Republicans!

  4. Harry Palmer says:

    Damn religious people at it again.

  5. Bob says:

    Wow, only in San Francisco.

  6. tj says:

    is the old woman wearing a see through bra? please someone for the love of all that is good and holy tell me no…

  7. Rick Cain says:

    Finally, something I could actually win a prize by doing.


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