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Houston Chronicle – May 27, 2008:

Bill Clinton gave a speech in South Dakota on Sunday in which he continued to promote the theory of a media conspiracy against Hillary, and suggested the Democratic Party should nominate his wife “unless we want to lose the election.” If that weren’t enough, Bill added that he has “never seen a candidate treated so disrespectfully just for running.”

First to the idea of a media conspiracy against Hillary. Would that be the same media that made Hillary the frontrunner before a single vote was cast? The same media that gave the Democratic Primary field the name Hillary and the Seven Dwarfs in the weeks and months before Obama’s upset win in Iowa? That media, Bill? The way I remember it, it was the Mainstream Media that had all but coronated Hillary Clinton since the day she announced her candidacy.

On the issue of R-E-S-P-E-C-T, I would contend that the Clintons received undeserved respect for too long in the days following Super Tuesday. Obviously, Hillary and her staff had no plan or strategy for that time. They assumed that the race would be over and they could turn their focus to the general election. And everybody knows the old saying about ASS-U-ME-D.

Hillary was not prepared for a long struggle and did not have the organization in place after Super Tuesday, causing her to lose 11 straight contests.

Best DU reader comment so far:

“This is just sad. I was trying to come up with something funny, but pathetic kept popping up.” – Ah_Yea

  1. NeverStop says:

    Obama is a nice guy who if elected will be as ineffectual as Jimmy Carter was. However, he will not be elected because people are too bigoted to elect a black man with the middle name “Husein”.

    This is the media that fails to remind people that like Hillary that Obama cannot reach the magic number of delegates either unless Clinton throws in the towel but why would she when she has won most of the important states necessary to win against McCain in November.

    This is the media that chastises Clinton for her Bobby Kennedy assassination comments and yet fails to remind people that as a woman presidential candidate with high negatives she constantly lives in fear of being killed herself. The secret service won’t let her forget it. If anyone has the right to talk about this subject she does.

    This is the media that went insane when Clinton exaggerated the danger during her Bosnia trip but gave McCain a total pass during his last trip to Iraq where he claimed that he could now safely walk the market streets there since the “Surge”. In reality the area had been scrubbed extensively by the military for 24 hours before his fake walk through the Iraqi market and he wore body armour was surrounded by U.S. soldiers with a squadron of black hawk helicopters hovering above. Just search Youtube.

    Hillary is hard to take but she’s our best chance for effective real change for the better given the competition.

  2. Chris says:

    Hillary has been treated normally. The press has been unfairly lenient on Obama, however. Anyone else who showed up and suggested, “I’m the new JFK”, would be laughed off the stage.

    Obama has been pushed down peoples’ throats like the Iraq war, variable rate mortgages, and all the other schlock that eventually goes south. In January of next year the Dems will watch McCain be sworn in and think how could we have been so dumb?

  3. BigCarbonFoot says:

    It’s all great entertainment ain’t it? No matter which one get in, we’re all screwed.

  4. BigCarbonFoot says:

    Oh, I forgot the caption: “Lady, you farted. Eew.”

  5. Eddy says:

    “I don’t think that’s Beyonce.”

  6. Holy Cow says:

    “Why you laughing? The brother done kicked your butt”

  7. MikeN says:

    #11 Hillary was not mathematically eliminated March 5, and still is not eliminated. Barack Obama has about 1650 pledged delegates. The superdelegate commitments are media estimates and are worthless until they are actually cast as votes on the convention floor.

  8. MikeN says:

    The Clintons made their career off of a media conspiracy. From Dan Rather’s praise calling her political lightning, to proclaiming Bill Clinton the winner in New Hampshire after he lost, to carrying his water during impeachment.

  9. HMeyers says:

    The most amazing story of the entire campaign season has been finding out how bigoted and prejudiced Geraldine Ferraro is. Maybe Ed Rendell too.

  10. Balbas says:


    Girl: Yo my mamma? She rans away after I’s born.

  11. toddw says:

    “What chu talkin’ ’bout Clinton?”

  12. toddw says:

    Caption: “What chu talkin’ ’bout Clinton?”

  13. Mister Ketchup says:

    Which one is Hillary?

  14. Caption:
    You didn’t say we’d photo together lady.

    Even I have more alive friends than you woman.

    How did I become the “Token” black child

  15. John Pimpkle says:

    caption for hillary clinton pic:

    “Yes, Ms. Clinton, I’m black, and I’m as much a racist cockroach as all Barak Hussein Obama’s racist supporters, so I guess I can’t support you either. Although I say I’m against racism, that’s only when its against blacks. I’m okay with anti-white racism. I’m a pig and a piece of shit and a fucking animal piece of garbage scum.”

  16. MikeN says:

    Bill is right about the conspiracy. Why were they all declaring the race over after NC and Indiana? Since then Hillary has won two states by more than 30 points.

  17. alexandranevermind says:

    Give us your best caption for this pic in the comments!
    Oh you think that you’re going to win? Bitch…please…


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