Charity: Aid workers raping, abusing children – — …and apparently this has been going on for years and years. And we give the U.N. money for this?

Humanitarian aid workers and United Nation peacekeepers are sexually abusing small children in several war-ravaged and food-poor countries, a leading European charity has said. Children like this 15-year-old girl have suffered abuse at the hands of some UN soldiers and aid workers.

Children as young as 6 have been forced to have sex with aid workers and peacekeepers in return for food and money, Save the Children UK said in a report released Tuesday. After interviewing hundreds of children, the charity said it found instances of rape, child prostitution, pornography, indecent sexual assault and trafficking of children for sex.

“It is hard to imagine a more grotesque abuse of authority or flagrant violation of childrens rights,” Jasmine Whitbread, chief executive of Save the Children UK, said.

In the report, “No One To Turn To” a 15-year-old girl from Haiti told researchers: “My friends and I were walking by the National Palace one evening when we encountered a couple of humanitarian men. The men called us over and showed us their penises.

“They offered us 100 Haitian gourdes $2.80 and some chocolate if we would suck them. I said, No, but some of the girls did it and got the money.”

  1. MikeN says:

    You expect better just because these other countries’ soldiers put on a UN flag?

    But that’s OK, the relief agencies are looking out for the refugees, making sure they have plenty of birth control.

  2. To be fair, 15 year old is probably over the age of consent in some of those countries.

    Though Haiti’s is officially 18, I’m sure there are prostitutes below that age.

  3. zorkor says:

    America doesn’t need to pay anything to the UNs soldiers. The American army is already doing an excellent job in Iraq, Afghanistan , camp xray that will put all pervert UN soldiers to shame. Let’s give it to the war veterans! Yay!

  4. ethanol says:

    Remember zorkor (#3), you have been identified as a member of Hamas. Just because you hate the USA does not justify your raping of children.

  5. Sea Lawyer says:

    So are they still reusing needles on Africans because the need to immunize is more immediate than the risk of spreading HIV?

  6. Shin says:

    Terrible…but do I believe this is not just as true of members of Save the Children UK, or any other charity/religious/military/paramilitary/NGO group, or any other set of adults with power (perceived or real) over children, including parents/guardians/friends/neighbors/police/
    teachers/ministers/priests/nuns/boy scout leaders/girl scout leaders/etc etc etc?

    Sorry..I don’t. We all know it happens, and while pointing out that it is happening is not a bad thing, a little less holier than though posturing might be called for.

  7. Big A says:

    It doesn’t take an Einstein to figure out that pervs would be attracted to a childrens aid organization. And its in a foreign country where anarchy rules. These weirdoes are in seventh heaven I’ll bet.

  8. eyeofthetiger says:

    At least they are aren’t flying them all over Europe like Dyncorp.

  9. bobbo says:

    #6–Shin==so reporting on these violations and taking steps to prevent rape of 6 year olds in return for food is “holier than thou?”

    I think your good humor truck just ran off the road. Now, I enjoy posting “on the edge” but my posts still are attached to some core belief of mine.

    Is this true of your posts as well?

  10. eyeofthetiger says:

    That wasn’t ment like it sounds.

  11. zorkor says:

    ethanol #4

    And who you might be? One of those red necks who got kicked in their hinds in Iraq? I feel sorry for you. If you felt hurt by my comments on your soldiers being perverts then smooch my azz.

  12. bobbo says:

    #11–zorkor==do you have any links to american soldiers raping little kids in the Middle East?

    or do you just make this stuff up?

  13. Shin says:

    Bobbo..why would someone have to make up links of soldiers (any) raping young girls (any age) in any occupied country? Do you really think it doesn’t happen?

    My point is only that I’ll bet even these pervs have helped way more children during their service than they have hurt. Yes, you can tighten up the requirements for service in these organizations..thereby getting fewer people and helping fewer a side effect…maybe keeping some small subset from being molested also. I don’t see this as actually helping.

    Honestly…I’d rather all the homeless little children were living in nice warm houses with pedos eating good meals and going to school rather than spending one more night burrowing through the garbage dumps playing with rats and dying of starvation.

    In a perfect world this would not have to be an option…but barring the perfect world, I would trade the possibility of a certain kind of abuse for the certainty of current easily quantifiable abuse anyday. I’ll try and live with my conscience. This probably stems from my belief that there is not a “fate worse than death”. Death is the only thing you can’t “get over”.

    You tell me which is better. 10 kids dying of starvation in a pile of garbage, or 10 kids given to the first 10 people who say they want them…8 of them later dying of abuse, but 2 surviving and going on to save 4 others? I would rather that those were not the only 2 options..but if they were, I certainly would chose option 2…with great distaste.

    As for those kids who got “food for sex”..they did get food they otherwise wouldn’t have. They will survive at least another day and have a chance to get over their ordeal. In fact..they easily made the sane decision, and went for the food.

    If tightening up the screening process means more aid workers on the groud helping the majority of children the majority of the time..great. If not, well..I just tend to feel that more people helping do more good than harm, and all these internecine stories do is dry up dollars from possible donors. “Don’t feel bad about not giving money to feed the children, feel good that you aren’t funding those damned UN perverts”.

  14. bobbo says:

    #13–Shin==you are trapped in a false either/or model of the world.

    Either perverts are to be understood, or little kiddies starve? That is false and while you can add a few paragraphs to vaguely restate your disapproval, you still don’t recognize a simple truth: perverts/criminals should be prosecuted when discovered. No need to get all sophisticated after that.

  15. zorkor says:

    hey bobo, why don’t you come and see for yourself what your champions of freedom and human rights are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan. Or you forgot the pictures of abu ghraib prison? You Americans are just plain idiots, not all but most of you. Idiots!

  16. bobbo says:

    #15–zorkor==I agree the military take over of Iraq has and is and will kill a lot of innocent people, but the subject of this thread and your post was that the US Army is filled with perverts, so I ask again==any links to stories of US Army raping little Iraq kiddies or are you totally off point?

  17. Shin says:


    I have no problem in there..or anything I said, with prosecuting criminals. All I am saying is that saying “UN aid workers are criminals”, when coming from an agency competing with them for funds, is self serving at best. Given the current climate wherein anyone helping children is suspect, I am happy to see anyone out helping. Some will take advantage. That is the way the world is, get over it. There is nothing in that article but 3rd person hearsay. If they have real evidence, give it to the proper authorities, not the press. Talking to the press is fund raising, pure and simple, and if they want to tell me that their ratio of pervs to norms is lower than the UN agencies they can. I just don’t have to believe them.
    I am not saying perverts are to be understood, just that they exist now, existed in the past, will always exist, and basing your model of the world upon keeping them from existing seems, at best, a bit self defeating.
    ..and no, I am not trapped in an either/or model. I set up 2 extreme examples to make my point. They are not the only 2. A huge spectrum in between..but they are not as far off as you seem to think. You know what I am saying, you are just choosing to be obtuse for they joy of extending the debate. There are millions of people world-wide who would like children (a large number of them single males), who can not get them because the children are being saved from the possibility of abuse by intermediary agencies. I’m sure we would both agree that probably 90% of those people wanting children would not be closet child abusers, yet thousands of children die of starvation every day. Oh..and many get given to abusive couples or females anyway!! Makes you feel proud to be protecting the children doesn’t it.

    Articles like this don’t help prevent abuse, they only allow people to sit back and say “that damned UN”. They are an agency. They work with children. Some of their agents will take advantage of this. Take the overall benefit and weigh it against the possibility of abuse. I think the world is probably, on the whole, a little better place with them than without them.

  18. bobbo says:

    #17–shinn==don’t give me too much credit, indeed, I might be a bit dense on this subject.

    I did miss your recognition the criticism was coming from a competing charity==and that does cover a lot of ground. I got stuck on calling anyone “Holier than Thou” for calling out and therefore trying to stop child abuse.

    So, lets see====no competing agency can criticize the UN because even though they are in a position to know, that very position makes them hypocrites? Thats too simple.

    I think the UN might be specially constituted that correcting internal errors, like having pervert peace keepers, might be more difficult to clean up than with any non-multi country organization?

    SO==I take the position opposite to yours. Every competing agency, even those with pervs, should criticize the UN’s uncorrected use of pervs until the situation is corrected. THEN the UN could turn the pointing finger around and go after the private perv supporting hypocrites==if they are.

  19. Shin says:

    Nope..I’m saying that 0 time and money should be taken from aid to children to find a couple of rotten apples (as our government would brand them). It they are found and punished, great. If this other agency has the evidence, then use it. Otherwise, this is just a “I love the children more than you do, so I deserve more money” fund raising campaign, and I’m sorry, but my cynical nature says to me it’s the pot calling the kettle somewhat less than pure white.

    I am really sort of amazed. I was sure your opinion of human nature was at least as low as mine..^_^.

  20. BillM says:

    hey zorkor
    don’t you have to strap a bomb vest on your nephew and send him into a pizza parlor? you must be a proud uncle !

  21. Norman Speight says:

    Whats the big secret?
    Why are these perverts referred to as “UN”.
    Which country do these “aid workers” come from?
    Referring to them as being “UN” just classifies ALL UN workers as being somewhat suspicious.
    If they, in the main, come from identifiable countries then, remove those countries workers from the UN.
    Or, is it the case that they are from many, or most UN countries?
    Usual lack of detailed reporting which, by failure to identify/classify casts aspersions on the whole group.
    Actually, lousy journalism

  22. brm says:

    One World Government is so awesome! Everybody gets laid!


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