Artist Erik Nordenankar says he has created the Biggest Drawing In The World. He says he gave DHL a case and travel instructions for a 55-day journey, then traced the route using GPS. The route was more than 100,000km long and went through 62 countries. The result was a self-portrait.
There’s a big picture here.
It could be a hoax, of course, but if so, it’s a very good one. Nordenankar has documentation on his web site, including the video below….
Something smells fishy.
I’ll accept the idea that you could have DHL send a package around the world via specific way-points.
But I don’t think DHL would instruct it’s plans to fly out into the Pacific, Atlantic oceans, and the North Sea, etc, just to make a series of loops and return. Nor do I think they could fly such a route without getting some suspicious looks from military aircraft.
The drawing will change, depending on the map projection you use! It only works with this particular one.
Ok someone please fax me a copy and I will measure it. I have 70,000 rolls of paper ready.
Dumbest hoax ever. Who would be stupid enough to believe this? Nice little bit of PR for DHL though.
I say BS.
Here’s a link to the flightpath of a Gulfstream biz jet that had factory pilots and were trying to draw and could pretty much do what they wanted.
I think it is a cool PR stunt for DHL. But I am not convinced it is rear…
Well, he says he gave DHL the list of destinations listed in the PDF document on the site, and they include both towns and arbitrary co-ordinates covering e.g. the North Atlantic. There’s nothing particularly difficult about doing that, if DHL is willing to throw money at the project.
That’s the only question I have – not whether it’s possible, but whether it’s affordable. If a dedicated plane flew all those arbitrary co-ordinates for him, he’s an environmental terrorist with a carbon footprint the size of Mt. St. Helens.
needle vibrating on the fishy detector
I’m with Brian in #9:
“That’s the only question I have – not whether it’s possible, but whether it’s affordable. If a dedicated plane flew all those arbitrary co-ordinates for him, he’s an environmental terrorist with a carbon footprint the size of Mt. St. Helens.”
How much would it cost to have DHL deviate from their normal routes – numerous times – for one package??
With my experience with DHL, the package would have looped around the earth a few dozen times before being delivered to the wrong address. Twice.
That would have drawn Satan’s face.
Is it possible to power the GPS for 55 days? Would it have been possible to get a tracking signal the whole time?
Gee, did it have to be a gay picture?
@13. I just got a package from DHL and it was 4 days early! Get this, it was a Magellan GPS from 6ave.
I say hoax, at least the way it is presented. If they showed the drawing superimposed on a globe, then I’d be more willing to believe it. If you draw a picture using a ball as your canvas, you get a drawing made up of arcs on the surface of a globe, not straight lines on a flat map.
Yes, Bravo Sierra.
Don’t all those currier services use a hub-and-spoke travel method? If so, that wouldn’t look like this at all.
(Excuse me if the article explains this.)
I think it’s just a publicity stunt by dhl 🙂
i mean, just having the guy tagging along for the ride is not “ordinary” .
And yeah, trusting previous encounters with dhl, i would have said the package would never have made it back home .. Well, they’d claim i’d be delivered, but wouldn’t be able to provide the signature ….
ps: 55days for a gps ain’t that big a deal, you don’t have to do constant polling like a street gps, you just do a fix every X minutes, thats good enough.
I’ve got a small gps stick that records for 14h with a tiny battery.
So, two or three 12v motorbike batteries like he got, that’s gonna last a while ^^
Don’t you all get it? It’s JESUS! …And he’s condemning us all for warming the earth’s atmosphere by flying planes around the globe just to make a picture!
What are the chances we see somebody sell a picture of Jesus they found hidden in their 100,000km-long-55day-artwork to that golden palace casino.
Go to:
scroll to the bottom……it reads
This is fictional work. DHL did not transport the GPS at any time
Nice piece, eh?