• It’s snowing in California?
  • Ballmer says MSFT is going to spend $50 billion one way or the other. Yahoo is not a strategy.
  • Carl Icahn worried a deal will never happen.
  • Vista user account control is confusing says MSFT exec.
  • XP SP3 corrupting the registry says Symantec.
  • HP is now taking over the server business from IBM and Dell.
  • RedHat software is greener. So what?
  • Google slaps Microsoft.
  • I’m just joking when I say the oceans are being carbonated by the CO2 in the air.
  • I suspect the iPhone will have GPS built-in or have a bluetooth gizmo nearby.

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  1. riker17 says:

    I always appreciate your sounds effects, JCD. Today’s use of Krusty was excellent.

  2. . says:

    They should just buy hookers and blow.

  3. chuck says:

    Steve Ballmer to MSFT share-holders:
    “All your $$$ are belong to us!!!”

  4. Brett says:

    How about spend the b50illions towards good causes, fight poverty, education, etc. etc.

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    Some years ago, when I drove a clunker rustmobile that only had an AM radio, I used to enjoy listening to KVET, 1300AM in Austin, TX. Their afternoon DJs used to make fun of the contests on the other stations around town saying “We don’t have to pay people to listen to us!”

    They also had a long-standing joke about the difficulty they had playing the records Rev. Oral Roberts used to send them — the little holes in the center kept healing up!

    They were a riot!

  6. lou says:

    Downloaded SP3 for XP.
    Went back to windows update and it would not work.
    So I had to remove SP3.
    Then it was OK again.

  7. Steve S says:

    #4 Brett said,
    “How about spend the b50illions towards good causes, fight poverty, education, etc. etc.”

    Someone brought this up at the shareholder’s meeting. There was a brief moment of silence then they all had a hearty laugh. Most amusing, I dare say.

  8. mliving says:

    XP SP3 is supposed to corrupt the registry… that way MS and it’s slut resellers can hose customers for a VISTA upgrade.

    Steve Ballmer s a frickin’ idiot and needs to STFU.

    I moved to a 24″ iMac this past January after 20 some years with a PC and I couldn’t be happier. Should have moved to a MAC a long time ago! And I’m not coming back Steve no matter how many chairs you throw at me! LOL! Idiot!

  9. cpuenvy says:

    Some of you petty fools are the reason spam works, and why Trojans propagate. See, I own a Mac that always has run XP, and I am still running a beta of SP3. It runs great.

    Why should Microsoft be responsible for the way most of you morons typically run a computer? Why should they tailor their service packs around your spyware that YOU put on your computers? I know that both OSs have issues, pros, and cons. The grass is always greener on the other side, MS sucks, Mac OS is a joke in the business world, and they all break. Get over it!


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