
Solar bra means heart-felt conservation – Green Machines- msnbc.com — Geez, what next?

Ladies, take your battle for the environment a little closer to your heart with a solar-powered bra that can generate enough electric energy to charge a mobile phone or an iPod. Oh, it also has pouches to store water so you don’t have to carry around environmentally unfriendly plastic.

  1. Superdemon says:

    This “green” fad can not die soon enough.

  2. andy says:

    vegetarianism is the “aluminum-tubes” of ecology

  3. Greg Allen says:

    I’m sure this is a big turn-on for the World of Warcraft geeks.

  4. Imposter says:

    As a cancer survivor who had a short time to live, I was able to do quite bit of research about various forms of cancer. An interesting correlation I uncovered is that a large number of breast cancers occur in women that wear under wire bras. The number was >60% which seemed to point to an highly suspicious connection. Heat seams to be a factor. This is why I’m all for letting them hang out and letting me rub ice cream on them.

  5. edwinrogers says:

    #4, It’s obvious that you are feeling better.

  6. Johnone says:

    Must be exposed and you can’t get it wet.
    Not very practical

  7. chuck says:

    No if someone could develop a machine that could harness the power of men staring at women’s breasts – then we’d have unlimited energy!

  8. eyeofthetiger says:

    So how durable is this contraption? Would having your date charge up your mp3 player be considered first base?

  9. Edwin Rogers.. you rock! LOL

  10. JimD says:

    In Japan, no doubt the Solar Power would be used to drive a “PERSONAL” VIBRATOR !!! No wonder those girls are smiling !!!

  11. billabong says:

    So I get to first base and bamm I’m knocked on my ass.


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