Where do fighter pilots traveling faster than the speed of sound go when they really need to “go”?

Pilots have struggled for years with the lack of toilet facilities in flight. Until recently, the answer has been: into a bag.

But it’s not a great solution. “Piddle packs” — heavy-duty bags containing absorbent sponges — have been blamed for at least two crashes over the years, and they’re not always tidy…

“The DoD put out a list of projects they needed solutions for,” said Mark Harvie, president of Omni Medical Solutions. “Bladder relief for pilots was one of the items on the list and we were looking for a new project,” he said.

That project turned into the Advanced Mission Extender Device, known in military jargon as the AMXD.

Of course, it could have been another no-bid project handled through Cheney’s office. Probably would have cost taxpayers $300 million to develop instead of $3 million spent for R&D – by Omni.

  1. Somebody_Else says:

    I’d hate to be the guy who crashed while trying to take a leak.

    Why are we spending millions on this? Can’t they just wear a diaper like astronauts do?

  2. bobbo says:

    Every briefing room is located next to a head. All fighter pilots learn how to go whether they need to or not. I remember one guy in pilot training who had to pee all over himself one day. I forget if he made it thru or not==but it wasn’t demonstrating a pilots need to “think ahead.”

  3. The Warden says:

    What happens if you have to take a dump?

  4. igor says:

    you drop a bomb

  5. The Pirate says:

    #0 – Omni
    Of course it could have but it didn’t go through Cheneys Office, so whats your point? Cheney is a selfish, greedy, rich, criminal traitor given immunity for his crimes for years by a democratic congress? Get over it.

    Vote for Obama, Hillary or McCain and watch everything remain the same. None of the above isn’t running this year.

  6. Opus says:

    The perfect Xmas gift for Mr. Curry.

  7. moss says:

    #5 – No doubt, Eideard wondered if there would be some ignorant nutball around to respond to his comment with this week’s Talking Point from less-than-Rushland. You just proved the point.

    a. A 60% majority is needed to get to the passage of “controversial” law in Kongress.

    b. The greedy bastards on both sides of the aisle are accustomed to blowing taxpayers money on miitary R&D. Previous to the current lot of thugs, established procedures allowed oversight. The Oil Patch Boys removed that oversight.

    c. The article is about a firm that used it’s own buck$ for R&D and came up with an improved product. Shock and amazement. Went right over your head – didn’t it?

  8. The Pirate says:

    Hi Moss, nice try.
    Once again reading comprehension can be your friend. Lets start with point c.

    c) When did I say it was gov. R&D money? Oh I didn’t. Went right over your head and out your ass didn’t it?

    b)And the democrat pussies let them. Whats your point? The minority bosses the majority around? Ok, hence the word pussies. Figure it out yet?

    a) Impeaching Cheney and Bush is a controversial law that needs to be passed? Uh no, now they would probably lose because the do need a supermajority but why not get everyone on record with their vote and embarrass the recorplicans? Because they have no balls. Pelosi, no-balls aside, is a waste of space. She stands for nothing but the status quo, welcome to her lie.

    I won’t respond to the rest of your troll, frankly it fails miserably anyway. Sticks and stones moss, grow up.

  9. borat says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    Man, O Manischewitz! Dvorak dot org slash blog eds. are breaking out the goonie stick! So many posts deleted for violating posting guidelines. Yikes. What’s this world coming to?

  11. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #5 & 8, Pirate,

    So what is YOUR point? I see a lot of babbling but nothing substantive. Take too many stupid pills again?

  12. Cinaedh says:

    # 8 – The Pirate

    Went right over your head and out your ass didn’t it?

    I’d like to see that. Any video available?

  13. Keith says:

    Like mentioned above, how do these pilots go #2? That must really be a bummer on a long mission.

  14. The Pirate says:

    Think head in ass.

  15. The Pirate says:

    If I have to explain the point you would never understand anyway.

    Your insults are very similar to moss’s, could it be that…. na. Whats your point besides troll’n?

    Sticks and stones Gawd, grow up.

  16. soundwash says:

    me thinks this AMXD is a waste no matter who’s money is being spent..this has already been addressed decades ago..

    i broke my back at 16 in 1980.. spinal code injury, cant move/feel anything below the break point.

    the simple solution is a leg bag hooked up to what used to be called a “condom catheter”

    -basically, in the 80’s we attached a condom to a 10″ (25cm) neoprene tube, glued the condom to the penis using rubber cement called “Skin Bond”, attached the tube to a 32oz neoprene or vinyl Leg bag strapped to the led. there, -Done deal. (we used 2 thin slices of the tubing to secure the condom to the tube) Total “real cost” about $3. buy it all in a drug store, about $12-20. the glue holds the condom for about a day.

    These days they have a prefab condom/tube section called a “Texas Catheter” -either with self adhesive or applied with the rubber cement. The leg bag has a thin plastic strip inside the bag on the inlet side called a flutter valve that prevents any urine from flowing back up the catheter.

    you could use a regular 20 French, 5cc catheter instead of the condom gizmo. -long term use of regular cath can cause irritation and other issues, esp on a mobile person. (tho i think this is how females hook up to the bag)

    I fail to see why they cant use this hookup.. it would be hooked up prior to flight..no screwing around mid-flight to take a piss.. maybe put some of that fancy absorbent gel in the bag is the only mod i can think of that would be needed.

    there really is no reason they cant use this off the shelf item, -other than a reason to find another way to bill the tax payers a few hundred dollars for a $3 item,

    -google “texas catheter and urinary leg bag” to see what i’m talking about..

    can anyone come up with a reason why this cant be used in flight ops?


  17. MRN says:

    @ #16 soundwash
    Watching the video clip makes me think that the AMDX is a refinement of the device you mentioned, which shouldn’t be a surprise given that it was developed by a medical supply company that was bought out.


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