Surfing behind a shark? You’ve got to be kidding me.

  1. xwing says:

    This is a hoax. I’ve seen it on other sites and they’ve all claimed it as staged.

  2. hhopper says:

    If it’s fake, it’s pretty well done.

  3. xwing says:

    It is well done, but if you’ll notice, the fin does not move at all except straight ahead. Sharks swim slightly from side to side and vary their depth. However, it does look like the ‘shark’ is being pulled by something, which is exactly what is happening.

  4. Don says:

    Very fake, but kind of a fun idea. A fin that large on a real shark would be a HUGE shark, specially for California waters!!! Now down in Stralia…


  5. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    If it’s fake, it is well done. If it is real, stupid fucking brainless retarded asswipe. Throwing away a good rod like that.

  6. I’m going to take everyone’s word for it that it’s fake, mostly because I don’t want to believe anyone was annoying an innocent shark that way.

  7. Jeff P. says:

    Unless you’re completely blind you just might notice the wake from the boat that is towing the shark fin.

  8. JPV says:

    hhopper said

    If it’s fake, it’s pretty well done.


    If you’re simple minded, I suppose.

    [Hey, I’m not in the movie business. – ed.]

  9. darthweef says:

    Welcome those who will eventually be left in charge of our planet …

    Pass the Dutchie ..

  10. bobbo says:


    You can’t pick and choose which videos are proof of one thing and not proof of something else.

    There is the shark pulling the guy thru the water. There is the WTC collapsing in a pile of debris on 911. Proof is proof. Accept it or explain your hypocrisy.

    I HATE double standards.

  11. Mister Mustard says:

    >>You can’t pick and choose which
    >>videos are proof of one thing and
    >>not proof of something else.

    Or better yet, don’t try to distinguish reality from fantasy based on YouTube videos….

  12. Cursor_ says:

    They have a future career in TV ads.

    But here is the killer…. he NEVER jumped the shark.

    I had to.


  13. B. Dog says:

    That dude is outrageous. If he had only consulted the Baywatch babes first the safety guidelines would not have been broken.

  14. Dude says:

    Fake, but funny

    I would think a shark after grabbing something to eat close to the surface would try and take it down and away from shore, not in a strait line along the shore and a steady “waterski” speed

  15. Cinaedh says:

    # 8 – JPV

    “If it’s fake, it’s pretty well done.”


    “If you’re simple minded, I suppose.”

    I don’t get it, JPV. Are you saying you’re a fake or you’re simple-minded – or you’re a simple-minded fake?

    Just curious…

  16. AGP says:

    Fake! Every fish I’ve ever caught immediately heads for safety. Safety for the shark would be deep water, not swimming conveniently along the beach.

  17. peter_m says:

    I say it’s fake…

  18. hhopper says:

    Fake or not, I thought it was an interesting video. I don’t post them as a training exercise in life. I post them just for fun.

  19. unclewilty says:

    There people with ingenuity everywhere and most are on the internet. Don’t be taken in by this clever stunt (fraud). Observe the water when he jumps off the dock. Almost flat calm. Where did these nice surfing waves come from…and then disappear when he comes ashore to take his bow? And the shark fin is awful big and straight and never seems to change direction.
    Sorry this is a phoney.



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