the Daily Mail

One of the nine Afghans who won the right to live in Britain after hijacking a plane is now working at Heathrow airport as a cleaner, it emerged last night. Nazamuddin Mohammidy was one of a group who took over an internal Afghan flight in 2000 and landed it in the UK, where they threatened to kill those on board unless they were granted asylum. Now it has emerged Mohammidy, 34, was recently arrested while driving a car around the new Terminal 5 at Heathrow airport. Police suspected he was an unlicensed cab driver but were stunned when checks revealed he was one of the hijackers.

He even had a British Airways pass on him. Mohammidy was among the gang, who claimed they were fleeing the Taliban, which took over an Ariana Airlines jet on an internal flight in Afghanistan in February 2000 armed with firearms and hand grenades. The Boeing 727, with 160 passengers on board, was diverted to Stansted Airport in Essex. There, the hijackers kept police and SAS marksmen at bay for four days before giving themselves up. They have since been living in West London rent-free and on state benefits at an annual cost of £150,000 to the taxpayer. Mohammidy has been living in Hounslow, Middx, with his family and has spent months employed by a firm that has a contract to clean a BA training centre at Heathrow.

This is a real head shaker. I believe everyone should get a second chance but free housing, welfare, and a job at an International Airport? What the hell is wrong with the UK?

  1. Farquaon says:


  2. Farquaon says:

    WTF England?

  3. RBG says:

    A cop missed one paragraph while reading his rights so it made sense to let him go.

    Actually I made that up, except for this being the current state of “justice.”
    /soap box


  4. Dallas says:

    Clearly experience was highly desirable.

  5. comhcinc says:

    Well this guy has been living with his family and it seems to me like he is just trying to make a living. I see nothing wrong with that.

  6. Judge Jewdy says:

    You’d think the bag over his head would have tipped them off.

  7. @#5: It is evolution in practice. If we are stupid enough to take PC stance and allow past terrorist to sensitive location we deserve evolutionary punishment. It is risk management. There is absolutely no advantage and enormous risk in letting this person work there, reformed or not.

  8. comhcinc says:

    was he a terrorist? who is allowed to label a person that? just wondering.

  9. Lou says:

    Old Chinese saying.
    Never hire a guy named Mohammity to work at the airport !

  10. Who says:

    Trick or treat!

  11. Jeff says:

    Maybe things are not always what they seem to be. There has to be a good reason that he was given room and board. It is hard to believe that both MI5 and MI6 did not know of his location.

  12. LtJackboot says:

    sounds like something Canada would do.

  13. LtJackboot says:

    #5 sees nothing wrong with a terrorist having security clearance at an international airport. You need to develop some sort of intelligence test to join this site.


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