The ants “go into everything, and they don’t follow any kind of structured line,” said Rasberry. “If you open a computer, you would find a cluster of ants on the motherboard and all over. You’d get 3,000 or 4,000 ants inside, and they create arcs. They’ll wipe out any computer.”
The Johnson Space Center called in Rasberry a month or two ago in an attempt to keep the ants out of its facilities. Too late. Raspberry said he found three colonies at the NASA site, but all were small enough to control.
“With the computer systems they have in there, it could devastate the facility,” said Rasberry. “If these ants got into the facility in the numbers they have in other locations, well, it would be awful. I’ve been in this business for 32 years, and this is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Anything. When you bring in entomologists from all over the U.S. and they’re in shock and awe, that shows you what it’s like.”
The experts also don’t recommend a do-it-yourself approach. You’re just liable to make things worse.
They also hibernate well in the winter up here in Quebec surviving -20f conditions.
They are extremely annoying, and the larger black ants actually ignore the little ones.
Different types of eat-then-you-die, so ants of the same colony eat that ant, seem to work, then not work within a span of a few weeks.
A place like Florida, and snack-eating IT gurus, perfect breeding ground.
“One of these days, the world is going to shake us off like a bad case of fleas.”
George Carlin
Gold warned people not to spray any pesticides inside their computers, but to simply call in professionals to avoid mixing up poisonous concoctions or storing partly used, potentially harmful insecticides.
Talk about good IT advice from a non-IT professional. I think RAID should team up with McAfee !
Talk about having a “Buggy” System !!! Although, the first recorded actual bug was a moth …. Quck, Henry, the Flit !!!
Eco terrorism at it’s finest. Ants to bring down the intertubes!
And I for one welcome our new insect overlords.
Scary.If we could only train them to take out those pesky Snakehead fish then we’d really have something.
btw John, did you realize that ads for Ann Coultier are appearing on your site? Blech.
#7 L-O-L you still seeing ads?
Step 1. Use Firefox.
Step 2. Use Adblock.
Step 3. Use a %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts that blocks unwanted domains.
Bloggers make *no money* from me if the hotlink material.
And this will be how our society is brought down. Ants eatin’ the machines. Can we even feed ourselves without machines?
I actually live in Pearland and have several friends who work out at JSC. A couple of nights ago the local news had a “The worlds gonna end because of x” piece about invading ants and then there’s this article.
Normally I wouldn’t think anything about stories like this and would write them off as sensationalist journalism but one of my buddies has mentioned something about ant issues up there so it’s starting to sound like #6 Mike might have the right idea (love that line BTW).
I actually live in Pearland and have several friends who work out at JSC. A couple of nights ago the local news had a “The worlds gonna end because of x” piece about invading ants and then there’s this article.
Normally I wouldn’t think anything about stories like this and would write them off as sensationalist journalism but one of my buddies has mentioned something about ant issues over there so it’s starting to sound like #6 Mike might have the right idea (love that line BTW).
sugar and borox people. SUGAR AND BOROX
Yipes – never mind my computer equipment
I would not want to get those caustic ants on my delicate swiss skin
Finally a good reason for a laptop
You can take it away with you when you finish working on the laptop and not have to leave your computer ( and precious data) at the mercy of those irritating insects
Call in McGyver
Terrorist ants, better call Homeland security.
You ants are with us or against us.