
Des Moines, Iowa (AP) – M-and-M’s might be dangerous to your diet. But a college student is facing charges — for allegedly assaulting a police officer with M-and-M’s.

Authorities in Des Moines, Iowa, report arresting Sean McGuire at a convenience store after an M-and-M hit an officer on the shoulder. Police were questioning a friend of McGuire’s in a hit and run, when Drake University security guards noticed the colored candies falling around the officer. The police report says McGuire told officers he was sticking up for his friend. McGuire was released Sunday night on $1,000 bail.


  1. Angus says:

    Good. Throwing anything at anyone is bad, no less at a police officer.

  2. Kanjy says:

    I’m not sure I agree with the editorial decision to write the candy’s name as as “M-and-M’s”. Has the writer never seen a bag of M&M’s before?

  3. cripes vs. cripes says:

    The headline reads m&m but as you read further you see that it’s m&m’s, not one, but MANY “colored candies falling on the floor”. Cripes.

    [“an M-and-M hit an officer on the shoulder.” – ed.]

  4. Joe says:

    jeeze, police state, Please! a college student, that means he’s not 2 fucking years old, was arrested for throwing M&M’s at a police officer. He stated that he was sticking up for his friend. More like he was acting like an immature douche. That kid needs to grow up.

  5. gquaglia says:

    More like he was acting like an immature douche. That kid needs to grow up.

    Couldn’t have said it better myself. Quite typical though of today’s youth. They have absolutely no respect for anything or anybody.

  6. The Commodore says:

    I would have dropped the charges – IF he had thrown Reese’s Pieces. yum!

  7. Carcarius says:

    Total BS. I am sure if someone through an M&M at me and I filed a police report about it the report would get tossed in the trash immediately. These cops have a lot of nerve arresting people for crap like this. Seriously.

  8. Shin says:

    He’s lucky. They should have tasered him.

    Damn kids today!

    No respect…I tell ya, I never get no respect…

    And get off my lawn!!!

  9. hhopper says:

    $1,000 bail? c’mon.

  10. JPV says:

    Should have thrown a knife instead.

  11. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #5, gq,

    ”More like he was acting like an immature douche. That kid needs to grow up.”

    Couldn’t have said it better myself

    You couldn’t have said it better because you are even less intelligent.

  12. Cblank21 says:

    Kid got what he deserved. He should be thankful its not the good old days or else he would have been taking the long way to the jail!

  13. Jägermeister says:

    I wouldn’t consider it a police state action. Throwing M&Ms just show that he’s an immature little prick, who needs to learn respect. If you really want to watch something that resembles a police state, check this video.

  14. Geoffrey says:

    Throwing M&Ms demonstrates he’s an immature little p**k meaning he’s morally corrupt, and that’s not fixable.

    Therefore this punk can count his lucky stars that he wasn’t sentenced to execution without a trial (see “unprotected person” clause of 2006 Military Commission Act) for being on a track of terrorism against the United States.

    Because Ya never know.

    Better safe than sorry!

  15. jbenson2 says:

    This kid will think twice the next time he gets the urge to have a food fight with an unsuspecting cop.

  16. noname says:

    He threw an M&M.

    To consider this assaulting a police officer, you have to have a GOD COMPLEX; but then again, that is what a POLICE STATE (USA)it’s Neo Con leadership is all about.

    Any hint of decent in the ranks (civilians) must be dealt with severely.

    When are these NEO CONS (Nazis) going to get a life?

    We should send these over reactive turds over to IRAQ to learn what real assault is!

  17. Buyer of Structured Settlements says:

    The law should not affect unjustly.

  18. bobbo says:

    Its well known that M&M’s are gateway objects leading rapidly to rocks, knives, then guns.

    Little kiddies need to learn they can verbally abuse cops with profanity and worse, big words, but “getting physical” is a no-no.

    Learn it early, move on, live long and prosper.

  19. Jess Hurchist says:

    #8 “And get off my lawn!!!”

    Yeah! Get off my LAN too!!!

  20. Diceman says:


    This seems more like a overzealous prosecutes office than a action by some super authoritarian police non-sense.

    Maybe lock him/her up for a day with disorderly conduct at the most then release him with a fine/community service if anything at all.This is just a case where the prosecutors office is using a law terribly out of its context to apply it to as many situations as possible,most likely to get more money for the state but my tinfoil hat isn’t firmly on enough to come to that conclusion.

    In all honesty the cop should have done a drive by pieing after the m&m incident so the suspect could claim assault with a delicious weapon :p.

  21. Cursor_ says:


    1000 dollar bail is unreasonable for throwing candy at a law enforcement officer when the arrested has no prior record of arrest.

    Arrest was warranted as it was conflicting with the officer performing his duties. BUT the officer did not NEED to arrest him, a simple warning could have sufficed. There is no report here that the officer gave a warning and it went unheeded. So we cannot know for sure what happened. Bad reporting.

    Also this was a college student, over 18, so no longer a child or a kid. He gets the adult treatment even if he continues to behave as a child.


    That video shows just how much of a ass the videographer was. All he had to do was say I’m American and she would have had him go on his way. No big deal. But he HAD to be like this kid in the story, some prick, and cause an incident.

    This video was a guy with a camera being a jerk and having a huge ass ego that should have been fined for impeding a border security officials job.


  22. Miss_X2b says:

    Think of all the M&M’s that kid could have bought with the $1,000. Silly rabbit.

  23. Dallas says:

    It’s all related… many in our society have little to no respect for others.

    We need a little of what Singapore provides:
    > Like to paint graffiti ? = Public lashing
    > Hang balls on truck? = License suspended
    > Throw projectiles at police? = Return fire
    > Steal STOP sign? = $10,000 fine
    > Smoke pot on skull? = Public lashing

    A bit severe, but today anything goes here. We need something in between.

  24. lmj3325 says:

    Police state? Give me a fucking break!

    The kid is a complete fuck up as are all of the people on here who think that this should be a non-issue.

    Is a M&M going to hurt someone? Definetly not, but this shitheads actions show a complete disrespect towards law enforcement.

    The cop should have knocked his fucking teeth out with a billy club.

  25. Michael says:

    From the very short story linked to, this seems ridiculous. I have a feeling, however, that the kid wasn’t arrested for the candy throwing. More like harassing the cops while their “conducting an investigation.” That can get you arrested. It’s a sorry state of journalism when a story such as this is covered by five sentence article.

    If the arrest was just for getting hit with an M&M that’s retarded. Otherwise we don’t have enough information.

  26. Brandon says:

    @#16 “Any hint of decent in the ranks” I think you mean dissent. That, and the rest of your argument makes pretty much no sense. Maybe you should get off the ganga before you try and activate the higher thinking capacities of your brain.

  27. DL Beard says:

    Ah, tax dollars hard at work! That cop must have been a real wimp. Wahhh, he hit me with an 1/2 ounce M & M. Wahhh.

  28. Shin says:

    No..this kind of behavior by police (along with the tasering and all the other brutality demonstrated by the “small minority of bad apples” that shows up here)is WHY so many of us have “disrespect” for law enforcement.

    This disrespect is nothing new either. Even the apologists for police “overreaction” admit that you want to tread carefully around them in a back alley if there are no witnesses present…whether you have done anything illegal or not….and that’s been true for at least the last 50 years to my knowledge. I learned that growing up..from people who did “respect” the police…in much the same way they respected an old testament kind of god…

    Are you sure you don’t mean “live in fear of their just retribution” as opposed to “respect”? Or maybe they mean the same to you…

  29. jbenson2 says:

    Another example of shoddy reporting. Google the punk’s name and you will find out that:

    Officials said Sean McGuire, of Glenview, was arrested Sunday at a convenience store. He’s accused of throwing several M&Ms at a Des Moines police officer, who was in the process of investigating a hit-and-run crash.

    McGuire said he threw the candy because he was “sticking up for his friend,” who was the man suspected in the hit-and-run accident.

  30. Miguel Correia says:

    If someone threw me M&Ms, I’d be grateful…


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