Bowl of Cheese by Jeff Cutler » Blog Archive » Borderless conversations – a Twitter Dynamic? — Nice thought piece about the Twitter phenomenon. Worth reading in its entirety. He brings up the issue of oversharing which is a concept in itself. Why do some people need to overshare? I use Twitter as a resource and an annex to the blog. Others use it mostly to express everything they are personally doing. This seems to stem, I think, from the self-esteem movement. The sociology around us cannot be explored enough!
Seemingly while giving her CPR, he was tweeting about the event on Twitter. See the sidebar on the left.
Where do the boundaries begin and end now that we’re ensconced in a lifestyle that is built on oversharing and building intimate relationships with avatars and 140-character interactions?
I’m not trying to be callous here, and the guy did comment that he’d not be online for a while, but if you or I found a loved one dead on the carpet wouldn’t we focus on the ‘real’ people in our lives before typing in a broadcast text message?
Anyone other than me think he killed her?
What is Twitter anyway?
#1. I think its a brand of Czechoslovakian manufactured motor scooter.
Oh… carry on then.
Twitter isn’t a scooter. I know because I’m in the market for a scooter and there’s no Twitter dealer anywhere around here.
BTW, when I saw the post I immediately thought it was a CSI or SVU plotline.
We’ll see what happens. The twitter community has already begun to raise money via an electronic tip jar.
I’ll post an update on my blog (I’m that Jeff Cutler) when I find out more.
Bowl of Cheese
A Few Bad Apples go Crazy on Twitter and John and Others jump right on it?
“Oh, That Twitter must be bad! Because I don’t understand what is going on!”
John C. Dvorak is always finding ways to “Put Down” or Insult the Twitter Community, and He uses it More Then Anyone I Know?
The Older You get the Harder it is to Understand These Social Networks.. It is Like that “Crazy Rock and Roll Music” not everyone understood it!
I don’t know if John read it or not when he signed up, but the whole Purpose of Twitter is tell us “What you are doing?”
“Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?”
It is just some People take it to Extremes, or use it in ways that wasn‘t intended? That happens on Almost All Social Networks..
No Hard Feelings Mr. Dvorak? This is my Opinion..
>>A Few Bad Apples go Crazy on Twitter and
>>John and Others jump Right on it?
RVS68, are you ECA’s son? Your capitalization is strangely reminiscent of, yet somewhat different from, his.