I wonder what would have been worse if this happened in England: digging up the head, bongafying it or smoking dope with it?
3 accused of using Humble corpse’s head to smoke pot
Two men and a juvenile are accused of digging up a corpse, decapitating the body and using the head to smoke marijuana, according to court documents.
Matthew Gonzalez and Kevin Jones have been charged with the misdemeanor offense of abuse of a corpse, said Scott Durfee, a spokesman for the Harris County District Attorneys Office.
According to documents filed in the case, Gonzalez, Jones and an unnamed juvenile on March 15 went to an Humble cemetery, dug up a man’s grave, left with the head and turned it into a “bong.”
Gonzalez told authorities about the incident Wednesday, and showed officers the defaced grave, including a 4-foot hole. Because of a heavy rain, officers were unable to determine whether the casket or the body had been disturbed.
Dope(r)s, all of them!!
Again, we live in a sick society where parents let their kids do what they want and set poor examples.
The best way is hit these parents where it hurts – in their pocketbook.
> Your evil spawn disturbs a grave? $5,000
> Hang testicles on your truck for fun? $500/day
> Kid steals Stop sign for room decor? $1,000
very simple.
>>The three boys, all home-schooled, have
>>also been charged in connection with
>>the vehicle break-in.
This is one of those situations where you look at the kids, then look at the parents and bitch slap them.
Maybe we need a “Twisted in Texas” banner. I hadn’t heard about this but then again, i gave up on local news years ago. All of the nightly news shows here are whacked out on predator alerts and harassing “sex offenders”.
You complain about twisted morals and then equate tow hitch balls to *grave robbing* and *stop sign theft*?
No matter how they my annoy you, testicles on a truck isnt in the same ball park. Its not even the same fucking sport.
Well, they make WAY better bongs than UNcapitated heads.
Pot : the entry drug to crack head-stoners
>>isnt in the same ball park. Its not even
>>the same fucking sport.
Gotta love Pulp Fiction.
I’d like to make a joke but this isn’t funny.
#6. You are free to hang rubber balls on your truck and show your kids it’s all in good fun. When that giggle wears out, smoking pot from a skull as “cool” comes next.
See what happens when you can’t just pop down to the local head shop anymore and buy your bong? When bongs are outlawed, only outlaws will have bongs…^_^
How exactly would you make a bong out of skull?
Not that even know what a water bong is, let alone was marijuana looks like. I haven’t even heard of the stuff.
I mean, I’d have thought that a skull would have a lot of holes to plug up, and where you put the bowl and the mouth piece? Do you suck through the nose?
Surely a two liter plastic bottle would be easier. At least that is what I would have done if I was a pot-smoking miscreant teenager wanting to improvise a water bong.
Not that I was. I’ve always been law abiding. And I brush my teeth after every meal and wash my hands after going to the toilet, even when I am drunk.
#13 Ben- “How exactly would you make a bong out of skull?”
First you start with a couple skulls; may I recommend the two at the top of this post….
You know, one of the last lines of the story (“The ultimate goal is to put the body back to rest”) really creeped me out, in an old Universal Monsters kind of way. Attack of the Killer Bong Zombies!
Like Ben, I have never seen the stuff either. When I was a kid we did some stupid shit when the morons sitting next to us blew their infernal reefer smoke in our faces. Like inhale deeply. But dig up a dead guy? No freakin way.
Jeez…. even when there is no relevance to the UK, you can’t resist a dig!
Oh, go on Grimbo, if you can’t make fun of the UK who can you make fun of?
>>if you can’t make fun of the UK who can
>>you make fun of?
Hey, at least they have great teeth and good food!
Actually, cuisine in the UK has come a long way since boil-in-the-bag roast beef dinners and tinned breakfasts…. modern British cuisine has become a proper fusion of pretty much everything in the world, with a strong focus on Indian and Middle eastern food. We are also undergoing a culinary rivial at the the moment, with a lot of pubs offer really good, locally sourced gourmet meals (they are called ‘gastro pubs’). “Fresh and in season” is becoming a bit of mantra…
Teeth wouldn’t be such a big deal if you could find a dentist … but you can’t… and if you do, they are probably someone who has been recruited from abroad, have a tenuous grasp at English at best, and generally go home before they spend a full dreary rain filled year (and who can blame them….) here….
Why dig it up when you can just go to the local head shop?
Looking at the picture, the one in the middle looks to be the most intelligent.
All flesh is grass
smoke a friend
Sounds like skulduggery to me.
Must be Greatful Dead fans
Asked of a woman,
“How’s your head?”
“Okay, I guess.”
“Great, could I have some?”
“Some what?”
“Some head”
Gives new meaning to the term Pothead.