BBC NEWS | UK | England | Tyne | Passenger moons at speed camera — Read the whole article to get the gist of the humorless outrage. And the police are going to take “action.” What a farce.

A front seat car passenger was photographed baring his backside at a speed camera in Northumberland.

The “mooning” man was snapped by the mobile camera as the black BMW X5 drove past on the A1171 Dudley Lane in Cramlington last month.

His behaviour has been labelled as “dangerous and offensive” by road safety campaigners.

Police may take action against the man for public order offences and not wearing a seat belt.

Let’s see if this becomes a trend.

Found by Querco Jones.

  1. JPV says:

    He’s obviously an “enemy combatant.

    Off to Gitmo with him!!!

  2. The Pirate says:

    The children. Always remember to bring the children into it.

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    You’ve gotta love passive resistance. He’s making a point, and it’s funny too!

  4. TimW077 says:

    If the car wasn’t speeding, why did the camera snap the picture? If they are photographing every automobile, and looking through them, that seems wrong on several levels.

  5. Jägermeister says:

    Another person showing some appreciation

  6. Bil says:

    Were talking Nobel Peace Prize here!!!

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Outrage Ensues.

    Dude… You spelled hilarity wrong.

  8. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #5 – Jägermeister – from the article you linked…

    But Mr Marchesani, who charged with dangerous driving, reckless driving and two charges of driving without a licence, denied he was the rider when he appeared today in Fremantle Magistrate’s Court.

    I don’t really get why there are two counts of driving without a license… but whatever… Here is the thing… It seems obvious from the photograph that whoever is riding the bike is 100% capable of pulling off the trick of kneeling on the talk while flipping dual birds, and remain in control of the bike.

    Now, I know I am only a master of the English language, but it would seem that he was categorically NOT reckless, dangerous maybe, but not reckless.

  9. brendal says:

    not to be the butt of a joke, but…don’t you mean…

    what a fart??

    note to self: time to go home.

  10. Imposter says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  11. TVAddict says:

    Do the cops not have anything else to do? I here there are some terrorists out there some where…

  12. JPV says:

    This is yet another thing, that teenagers of my generation did in the 70’s, that used to be considered a harmless prank and is now (post 9/11) considered a major crime.

    My how mankind has evolved.

  13. Sai Kai Lee says:

    How are they going to identify the passenger?!?! Go door to door and asking people to drop their pants? Perhaps start a butt-print requirement for a drivers license?



  14. jbenson2 says:

    A very odd country.

    They flip out over someone mooning a speed camera, but they look the other way when fathers kill their daughters because it is an Islamic honour killing.

  15. MikeN says:

    Isn’t that their national sport?

  16. maria says:

    Mooning or killing their daughters?

  17. noname says:

    This must be taken seriously.

    Total Compliance and blind obedience is the new order.

    Liberty and freedom of expression are totally unnecessary and not a priority to maintain a state of impervious homeland security. Do I hear an Amen or Zig Heil?

    Doesn’t a country of impervious homeland security make you feel warm and fuzzy, like it should??

    This person poses a serious threat to public order and state authority.

    What if a young precious and impressionable child had seen that, oh the horror.

    How deforming to a child’s mind does an act have to be, before police must take immediate action??? Can’t they put tazers or even something incredibly lethal into these camera’s.

    Maintenance of homeland security demands decency and oder be restored. This person must be made an example.

    Justice demands lethal force or punishment be put on the table and it’s use exercised immediately, with the certainty and expediency GWB; or, it’s a quick slid down the slippery slippery left wing nuts slope to plunge the county into the darkness of terrorism.

    This must be taken seriously.

  18. Lou says:

    I think It’s kinda funny.

  19. Brennig says:

    As this happened in the UK…

    He’s clearly a tosser, they should throw the book at him.


    Because he’s not wearing his seat belt and the last time I checked The Road Traffic Act 1988 (Amendment) Regulations 1992 it was compulsory for all front-seat occupants to wear a seat belt at all times.

    Fair enough?

  20. Geoffrey says:

    Oh my

    Is this really a danger to our freedom?

    Do the police need to protect us from it?

    Of course not.

    This is merely a case of the police in business for themselves — it is not in any way an action for protecting the liberty of the public.

    Screw the police who are in businsess for themselves. They have no such right.


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