Nearly 100 people, most of them students, were arrested in an undercover drug investigation at San Diego State University that began after a student’s fatal cocaine overdose last spring.

Authorities seized several guns, at least $60,000 in cash, marijuana, psychedelic mushrooms, hash oil, methamphetamine and illicit prescription drugs, authorities said. Two kilograms of cocaine and 350 ecstasy pills also were seized, officials said.

About 75 students faced charges. Those arrested included a student who was about to receive a criminal justice degree and another who was to receive a master’s degree in homeland security.

During the probe, dubbed Operation Sudden Fall, more than 130 undercover drug buys were made at locations including fraternity houses, student parking areas and in student dormitories, authorities said.

How do you like that pre-weekend text broadcast? Really bright.

  1. Sean says:

    I have no idea what that text message is supposed to say.

  2. moss says:

    #1 – I guess that means you’re not a stoner, eh?

  3. Borat says:

    It means Kenny is going to be taking it up the ass in jail.

  4. Jeanne says:

    Sean: Trace the image to for the complete text.

    “From: Kenny

    Now until midnight thursday
    gs are 35 eights 110 quads
    210 so stock up we will be
    back sunday night.

    Mon Apr 21 3:45 pm

  5. The Pirate says:

    Yawn. I could go to any sizable campus (10000+) integrate for a month and get 100 what the DEA calls dealers busted. I wonder what took them so long and only for 100 busts. Looks like they get their pats on the back regardless of their actual results. Shoulda called it Operation Sudden Fail.

    PR stunt nothing more. Rookies.

  6. keano says:

    #6 – so, is that a comment on availability of drugs or your personal experience at being a campus stoner? 2K’s of coke laying around seems a bit heavy for schoolboy adventures.

    On a lighter note, I’d love to hear the excuse from the dude getting his grad degree in Homeland Insecurity. “I was setting up a polytechnic program!”

  7. andy says:

    this whole war on drugs b.s. has been a monumental FAILURE. i wonder if medicinal marijuana ever became convenient for the reagans as did stem-cell research.

  8. Uncle Ben says:

    You can do a master’s degree in homeland security? What the hell is that? And do you get to take ‘Waterboarding 101’ with that?

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #5 – On the positive side, it is refreshing to see they’ve successfully adopted the metric system.


  10. Improbus says:

    Man, the pigs are always bringing me down!

  11. SparkyOne says:

    A population of 33K law enforcement officers would also produce the same appx number of arrests.

    We in San Diego see bales of that stuff on TV weekly not bags on a table!

    What a waste of my tax dollars.

  12. The Pirate says:

    My comment is based on 2 keys of coke is nothing considering that San Diego has about 3 million inhabitants. Do you actually believe that the dealers sell only to students of San Diego State?

    My point is that the DEA/Cops etc. spent a whole year on pretty much getting their PR stunt on the news. A total waste of money and resources on a operation that changes nothing. I saw the news conference on tv, the cops were all giddy and the guy’s hands spreading the contraband out on the table were actually shaking he was so excited.

    On a lighter note, I’ll ignore your stupid ‘press like’ stoner comment.

  13. 4:20 man says:

    Something wrong with being a stoner?

  14. RedpawGraphics says:

    The time is now 4:21, your minute is up. You can leave now.

  15. Lou says:

    Drugs at school ? Who knew ?
    The kids luv the herb.


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