(Click photo for audio.)

the Daily Mail

Terrified passengers claim their plane had to dodge another jet by suddenly climbing 10,000ft because their pilot was “showing off” to a boy in the cockpit. The pilot of the flight to Paris suddenly pitched left at 33,000ft and the crew allegedly announced the Airbus A320, with 143 passengers, had got “too close” to another plane. Taking passengers into the cockpit is contrary to aviation rules brought in after the September 11 terror attacks. Air France has now launched an investigation after passengers at the front of the aircraft told how they saw one of the cabin crew escort a French boy, aged about 13, into the cockpit.

Shaun Robinson, 40, from Rossendale, said the jet “rocked and rolled” like in a fairground ride and terrified passengers said prayers aloud while children cried. He claimed: “The pilot was clearly showing off to this young boy,” said Mr Robinson, who was on a business trip. Passengers say they could see the pilot making movement to the left and the aircraft banked suddenly to the left. The aircraft pitched back to the right and passengers watched as the boy returned to his seat. Then, passengers say they heard alarm noises coming from the cockpit, whose door had been shut, and it is claimed the aircraft suddenly climbed 10,000ft.

Mr Robinson said: “Suddenly the pilot made a sharp turn to the left, without warning, and then back again, possibly showing the young French boy how he flew his Airbus A320 plane. Gasps could be heard throughout the rest of the cabin.

“Moments later, the pilot threw his plane into a steep climb. We could hear alarms sounding. The two crew members sitting in front of me – one male, one female – had terror written across their faces and were gripping their chairs.

“After climbing rapidly by another 10,000ft the pilot told us he was far too close to the plane in front and air traffic control urgently asked him to climb, climb.”

To borrow a line from Donald Trump….”Your Fired”.

  1. bobbo says:

    I call Shenanigans. Please post again when the pilots say what was going on. Otherwise, based on credibility, you could cross post this under the effectiveness of prayer.

  2. JustSomeGuy says:

    “Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?”

  3. Is this pilot a scout master in his off time?

  4. helmsb says:

    Joey, have you ever been to a Turkish prison?

  5. Stinker says:


    Of course thats an exageration, Commercial Jets like that don’t climb 10k that fast. (1k maybe)…

    and don’t call me shirley!

  6. pat says:

    “The pilot of the flight to Paris suddenly pitched left at 33,000ft ”

    At this altitude you are locked into an ATC “track”. If jets get too close at this flight level it’s a controller problem. You don’t fly VFR up there…

  7. MoparPower says:

    Maybe Victor got his vectors wrong?

  8. chuck says:

    Send the kid and the pilot to Gitmo. They’re both French, so they must be terrorists. Or they hate our freedom.

  9. Sinn Fein says:

    “Joey, have you ever seen John Dvorak naked? Hmmmm, I guess not, you’re not blind.”

  10. NotTellin says:

    Joey, would you like to pull this knob?

  11. bh28630 says:

    Thank You hhopper… Nothing could be better than that audio in the context of this tale.

  12. Viking707 says:

    I’m a Captain at a major airline. This story seems very fishy to me. I’m betting the following occured:

    Kid goes into cockpit. Pilots do a bit of demo maneuvers. Kid leaves cockpit. TCAS system goes off and pilots respond by climbing 1000′ (the normal altitude difference between converging flight paths). Passengers in first class hear the TCAS system warnings. Fear of the unknown drives passengers to exaggerate the story. Media picks up on story and runs with it. Air France knows what happened but launches an investigation to buy time. Pilots get suspended without pay with no recourse.

    I could be wrong, but that’s my gut feel for the situation.


  13. The Pirate says:

    Viking vectors through the passenger hysteria and press inaccuracies, landing the true story smack dab on center.

    Air France needs the time to get the lawyers rolling and quell any lawsuits.

    The press fails at reporting, as usual.

  14. hhopper says:

    Yes… I agree…

  15. busdriver320 says:

    Never let physics and reality get in the way of a good story.

    lets see, at 33000 to climb 10000 feet would take around between 10-15 minutes. The first 1000 or so would be quick, but the airspeed would quickly bleed off.

    Oh yeah, the A-320 max ceiling is 39000 (at least every one I have ever flown is, so I wonder how they got to FL430.

    I guess it is all to set up the inevitable lawsuit.

  16. Mark Baars says:

    Mr Robinson?? He should be used to people in his neighourhood impressing young boys 😉

  17. BubbaRay says:

    #17 Viking & #12 RBG & #20 busdriver most likely have it correct.

    I’d like to see the ARTCC radar replay (transponder mode C data) and listen to the comm replay for this incident.

    #19 Hop, perfect.

  18. Chris Mac says:

    This may be possible when they can shoot an A320 out of a RailGun. Until then they’re mostly likely on the 420


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