
Will Obama win because of early voting in Indiana like this article says? Or will Hillary tip the even polls there to her and surge from behind in North Carolina? Is Obama toast over his apparent dissing of working-class whites? Or does that even matter since Clinton can’t make up the delegate count with supers abandoning her right and left?

Tell us what you think.

  1. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    And about the captcha, all the good looking people don’t get it.

    And Obama will win both and look for Clinton to withdraw in a few days.

  2. Gwensdad2003 says:

    I live in northeast Indiana, and I see more Obama signs than Clinton signs (actually, I don’t think I’ve seen ANY Clinton signs). The problem is that there’s still alot of people who insist Obama is a Muslim.

  3. MikeN says:

    Well Hillary needs 418 delegates to win the nomination, out of 679. Not impossible.

    Obama needs 282.

    I think I have decided to vote for Hillary. I was committed to voting for Obama despite the logic of Operation Chaos. Hillary and her husband are just too corrupt. On top of that, Obama is less likely to start a war, which I am convinced Hillary will start several.

    However, more recently the Operation Chaos won out, primarily because I am just irritated with all the hatred being directed by Obama partisans towards Hillary. Why should she have to drop out of the race? Isn’t this a democracy?

  4. 888 says:

    As last elections clearly showed, it doesn’t really matter how many votes any candidate got – but whose family members runs what and where.
    That’s the sad “reality democracy” we live in.

  5. ECA says:

    Sponsored by the group to get Daffy duck elected..
    (he wont quack up)

  6. HMeyers says:

    Obama – Libertarian candidate
    Hillary – This year’s only Republican candidate
    McCain – WTF?!?

    In some ways, it has been a very weird election cycle.

    Had Hillary been more humble early in the primary season, I think she might have won. No one likes candidate who feels she is entitled to be the president. Ran one of the most disorganized and wasteful campaigns possibly in the history of politics. Maybe she is ready to be president from day 1, but certainly wasn’t ready to run for president until it was just a little too late to matter.

    Obama, assuming he’s the nominee, would have been a discarded long-shot in any other year. The only candidate who clearly will withdraw the troops from Iraq. I think Hillary is lying when she says she would.

    McCain. Not quite a Republican. Not quite a Democratic. I actually am less certain of what he’d do in office than Obama. In fact — I don’t even think McCain knows. He’s been in politics too long for us to not know what he’d do. This means he doesn’t think about the issues concerning the “common man”. That’s all I need to know.

  7. Improbus says:


    Just a note on the photoshopped picture at the top of this article. That picture almost makes Hillary look human. Maybe you should send it to her campaign so she has something to shoot for.

  8. joaoPT says:

    37… Xcept for the humongous feet…

    Seem you guys are thinking “American” all the way up to the wedding chapel…
    The next 4/8 years will be like anything you’ll ever seen in the world before. And this new world order (uncapitalised) will have China India and maybe Brasil playing the role of the superpowers. You desperately need new thinking. This in NOT McCain for sure.

  9. Don Coyote says:

    An Obama ‘n’ Oprah ticket would whup McCain’s ass right out to the woodpile.

    The Eva Peron of Arkansas doesn’t have a chance but, hey, Chelsea in 2012!

  10. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #32, Gwensdad,

    The problem is that there’s still alot of people who insist Obama is a Muslim.

    The good side of that is those who think he is a Muslim wouldn’t be voting for a Democratic candidate anyway. They will only be voting if the poll is in a church.

    Yes, here in North West-Central Indiana, I have only seen a few Obama signs and no Clinton signs. Among the VERY few people I’ve talked to though, Clinton is the choice.

  11. qsabe says:

    Ask the people who gave away all the free advertising and selected the candidates for you.

    Hey Mathews, Russert, and the like. Who are you going to appoint as president most likely to keep people watching your talking heads as you tell them what’s good for them.

    To bad one of the qualified couldn’t be listed. But if it’s Hillary, then at least we also get Bill’s proven ability to clean up the economic trash left by a Bush.

  12. ECA says:

    The NEXT pres, will be…


  13. Joshua says:

    Clinton will win Indiana by 7%. She will lose N.C. by 4% and the media will declare that a win since Obama was 25 points ahead 10 days ago. 2 new polls show her at 2% ahead in N.C. , but I don’t believe them.
    Clinton will win West Virginia big time and Kentucky big time and Puerto Rico by 12%.
    Obama will win Oregon, Montana.
    The DNC is going to split the Michigan delegates and give Florida to Clinton. She will then be ahead in the popular vote and less than 100 delegates behind Obama. She will get the nomination on the second ballot.

    McCain will win big if Obama is the nominee, and he will squeak by if Clinton is.

    Greetings all….I’m back from a wonderful conference on Elephant habitat sustainability in Mali and South Africa. Off next week for a conference in London about clearing the Heberdies of rats to restore them to natural habitat. Then off to Moscow for the soccer finals….go Chelsea.

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    >>But if it’s Hillary, then at least we also get
    >>Bill’s proven ability to clean up the economic
    >>trash left by a Bush.

    Excellent point! He’s going to have to (as Vito Corleone said to Bonasera the undertaker) “use all [his] powers — and all [his] skills.” No president in US history will hae left more economic (and other) trash behind than Bush.

    Maybe Hill should incorporate this notion into her campaign strategy.

  15. Observer says:

    Obama will win NC and Hillary will probably win Indiana. The super-delegates will eventually nominate Barak as the democratic presidential candidate. But we will all have to wait till the TV stations, the campaign workers, the newspapers and other “share holders” have make thier money before anything is settled.

  16. Observer says:

    Obama will win NC and Hillary will probably win Indiana. The super-delegates will eventually nominate Barak as the democratic presidential candidate. But we will all have to wait till the TV stations, the campaign workers, the newspapers and other “share holders” have made thier money before anything is settled.

  17. Chelsea never got the credit she deserved. The Clintons did a wonderful job of raising a productive daughter amidst all the turmoil in the WH at the time.Compare her to the Bush twins who are wastes of space, entitled brats.If the Clintons never did ANYTHING right politically, they deserve acclaim for Chelsea.


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