
World No. 3 Maria Sharapova has blasted the ruling body of women’s tennis over its demands for top players ahead of this month’s Italian Open in Rome. The Australian Open champion is furious after being threatened with a $300,000 fine if she does not participate in a publicity event before the Tier 1 tournament.

“I want all my fans to know that the WTA Tour is forcing me and several of the other top players to do a four-hour commercial shoot for WTA Tour marketing materials,” Sharapova told her Web site.

“They want me to do this shoot on Sunday, Monday or Tuesday of the Rome tournament after flying 12 hours from Los Angeles.

“I have set my own personal rules when it comes to doing shoots and I never do shoots before tournaments because they are mentally draining and I want to just focus on my tennis.

So, who rules? A professional athlete’s focus before a competition or the advertising scheme of a sports federation?

  1. Greg Allen says:

    Somehow, I can’t muster an ounce of sympathy for her.

  2. MotaMan says:

    When click the commercial, I get “authorization Required”

  3. eyeofthetiger says:

    She very limber, I can see why she needs her time to herself.

  4. Eideard says:

    #2 – try it, now…

  5. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Athletes who play sports that are governed by federations other bodies are essentially employees of that organization and bound by their policies.

  6. floyd says:

    Inevitably, money always rules.

  7. Cinaedh says:

    Well, if you think about it, she’s already provided the publicity they demanded, just not the positive ‘promotion of the tour’ the WTA Tour likely had in mind.

  8. GigG says:

    #6 Of course it does in professional sports. Do you think she is playing for the trophy?

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    re: the pic – Make every shot a POWER SHOT.

    That said, they ought to leave her the fuck alone.

  10. 888 says:

    Obviously her “organization” is wrong here.
    No federation/organization/whtever club can force its members to do any publicity or tv commercials against member’s will.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    #4 – Eideard

    Did you mount his access point to the goatse guy?

  12. Derek says:

    Was there an article with this picture?

  13. Ron Larson says:

    Oh boo hoo. Try working a real job for minimum wage.

  14. 888 says:

    with that ass? What a waste it would be, man!

  15. 888 get real says:

    No, the organization is not wrong, and yes they cannot “force” someone against their will as in Gestapo tactics, but, they can “force” on her the Contracts that she agreed to. It is a brilliant way of “forcing” on individuals some legal tactics of providing balance and keeping the world of Tennis safe from egotistical Butt-heads like her, as can be seen in the photo.

  16. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #10 – Sure they can. She’s an employee of an organization putting out a product. If her contract stipulates that part of her job is to help promote the product, and she doesn’t want to, she’s free to play tennis for some other organization. If there isn’t a competing organization, tough titties for her.

  17. Degenx says:

    #16 I actually I suspect she an independent contractor, not an actually employee. By being an independent contract, the Employer does not have to pay SS taxes on that employee. The independent contractor is responsible for all the SS Taxes, normally paid for by the Employer. Or say health insurance, in states where employees are required to offer health insurance. Also Independent Contractors have less innate legal rights than that of an Employee. But they should have more freedom from the employer. Usually though employers write contracts up in a way that remove a lot of those freedoms,so they end up being beholden like an employee without the benefits of being an employee.

  18. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:


    True. Those contracts though must be evenly enforced among all contract employees. The employer is not allowed to pick and chose discriminatingly which provisions to enforce against some contractors and not against others.

    Remember, she owns her likeness. While she might be forced to promote the Federation, her company can always refuse that her likeness being used without adequate compensation.


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