
The manufacturer of the little plastic playing blocks wants to take them online to “Lego Universe,” a virtual world for fans of the ubiquitous toy…

To launch next year as a massively multiplayer online game, or MMOG to those in the gaming community, Lego Universe will let players create online versions of themselves and interact with each other.

Each player’s avatar, or online persona, will be a customizable digital version of Lego minifigures, the tiny characters included with most Lego kits that also feature in existing Lego video games such as Lego Star Wars.

“The more a child plays, they collect more coins and more bricks. The more you play, the more you get to build things,” Hansen said…

And just like with Lego Factory, users will also be able to order the physical versions of their online creations and have them delivered to their door.

This might be useful for some children. And for some who won’t admit to being children.

  1. iDN says:

    It’s kind of nice. I’ve never been a Lego fan, but I know some enthusiasts who would love to buy that. Thanks John!

  2. andycatus says:

    The headline should be

    “Ready for a virtual world of Lego?”

    Read the copy itself.
    Lego is the plural.

    Dont be sheeps.

  3. moss says:

    Gee, #2, that’s really important…to you. Perhaps that last sentence should have included “childish”.

  4. MSwanberg says:

    Hey, #2… isn’t the plural of sheep just “sheep?”

    Wow, ironic idiocy… so rare in today’s world.


  5. moss says:

    The plural of anal, timorous, greedy cowards is Republican Party. Har!

  6. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    Whoa !!! That picture is sure to get Mister Mustard and bobbo all worked up. Surely he shouldn’t have his arm around a teen showing cleavage like that !!! And damn if she ain’t got that damn lipstick on too !!! And mussy hair !!! And she is staring at his “thing” !!!

    Geeze, someone better call the paramedics over to Mustard’s place. He is about to have a coronary.

  7. stopher2475 says:

    Even when I was little Lego have always been retardedly expensive. They have this Star Wars Millenium Falcon model that looks awesome but they want 500 bucks for what probably amounts to 5 dollars worth of injection molded plastic.

  8. hhopper says:

    This sounds to me like the stupidest online game since the beginning of the Internet.

  9. Jennifer says:

    Nah….my kids can barely contain themselves. My boys have only two interests right now, lego and the internet…they’re going to make scads of cash on this.


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