Mainichi Daily News

McDonald’s customers suspected something amiss when one guy pulled out his whopper. They knew for sure when he began partaking of fur burger. The upshot was four people trying to make an adult movie in a fast food outlet ended up getting arrested, says Friday (5/2).

Arrested in the case earlier this month for indecent exposure and obstruction of business were Kunikazu Ishii, 52, the director, Nahoko Shimada, 21, an actress and dental nurse, and actors Yuya Ochiai, 29, and Makoto Nishizumi. Saitama Prefectural Police say the four spent about 30 minutes one afternoon in January this year filming an adult movie in the McDonald’s Higashi Matsuyama Itoyokado outlet in Higashi Matsuyama, Saitama Prefecture. They were allegedly caught after another customer called the police and told cops what was supposedly going on.

“(Shimada) came into the restaurant holding hands with Ochiai. But Ochiai didn’t look the type good enough to pick up a woman like her, so I thought something fishy was going on,” a customer in the store at the time of the incident tells Friday. “It was even more suspicious because there was one young woman surrounded by all those much older guys.” The group apparently took up a corner counter not easily visible to serving staff and went about their purportedly pornographic proclivities. When police did arrive on the scene, the group had allegedly been filming inside the restaurant for about half an hour. Each of the four suspects was led away individually and taken to a nearby cop station in a different patrol car.

There are easily a few dozen jokes in here, fire when ready.

  1. Jeff says:

    You want fries with that shake?

    That is one all-beef pattie.

    Slow down and let me Ketchup.

    Stop it, you’re spilling special sauce all over me!

    I’d like the ‘special’ McMuffin please.

    I had no idea that I’d have to fold my money lengthwise when I ordered from the dollar menu.

    Nice fresh buns.

    ….and so many more.

    That should go on one of my blogs, … maybe that porn was filmed in your local fast food restaurant.


  2. Froggmann says:

    Kinda makes you wonder how many non-filmed sex scenes happen in the kitchens of the worlds fast food restraunts…

  3. becagle says:

    Gives a whole new meaning to “Supersize me”…

    Yea, I said it… I’m not proud of it… But I said it.

  4. raster says:

    Is there *any* item on the menu that doesn’t work into a double entendre!?

    What *else* comes with the happy meal?

    That’s what I call a “Big Mac”!

    Am I still ordering off the “Dollar Menu”?

    What else do you put special sauce into?

    I’ll have that “to go”.

  5. McCullough says:

    Please leave my McNuggets out of the bag.

  6. Rob Runner says:

    I’ll have the happy meal please.
    I’m lovin it!

  7. Penthouse Forum says:

    I drive a delivery truck for McDonalds. Shortly after delivering the meat through the back door, I decided to go in and get some fries for the road. Right when I walked in I knew something was different because I heard someone screaming “Give me that whopper.” When I came around the corner there a very sexy lady surrounded by some older men. Then things got crazy…

  8. jlm says:

    “fire when ready”

    thats what she said

  9. FRAGaLOT says:

    You don’t get whoppers from McDs. That’s Burger King.

  10. TatooYou says:

    …Hold the pickle hold the…oops! wrong restaurant…

  11. FlakyFool says:

    Oh man, these are great.

  12. OmegaMan says:

    Having heard that the internet is used for porn, from a friend…what is the attraction of filming in a McDonalds…unless you can have her wear the uniform and make some fries…I don’t see the what the turn on is….better to rent it out after hours and go to town. I would surmise.

  13. admfubar says:


    i had something similar on a t-shirt once….

  14. Bil says:

    Did you hear the one about the pickle slicer?

    She got fired too!!! or was it fried too?

  15. The Pirate says:

    Two all beef tities, special sauce, sex, screaming orgasms, in a sesame seed butt.

  16. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    You have to hand it to them. They had the balls to shoot in a public restaurant.

  17. PeterR says:

    At last somebody has found a use for a McDonald’s.

  18. JimD says:

    “…Something fishy going on …” – You mean they could smell it ?

  19. Captain Fun says:

    I’ll go ahead and order. I’ll have the hambugger please, double pickle. My friend’s just coming, he’ll be back in in a minute.

  20. aussiemadman says:

    I bet they’re the only 2 customers to leave a McDonalds satisfied


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