• All the talk is about Microsoft stock.
  • Yahoo expects social network domination with Y!Open. Yeah, right. Meanwhile I think Microsoft has no idea about the porn on Yahoo as they keep the bid in play.
  • LOL getting into schoolwork and teachers do not know what to do about it.
  • Nintendo getting more bad headlines.
  • The Murdoch and the hacker story keeps rolling. Now I need to follow it.
  • I plug my Marketwatch column.
  • Microsoft also getting bad headlines too.
  • I hate the new term Blogebrity.
  • Bloggger being pounded by spammers.

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  1. Nebuloso says:

    I am a grad student and work as a TA for a couple of classes a semester. I’ve noticed “LOL” and especially “2” (to) and “u” (you), etc. showing up in students’ assignments. The saddest thing is that when it is pointed out that this is unacceptable, the student invariably gives a blank stare and can’t comprehend why.

  2. Glenn E. says:

    You know before the school kids invented their own shortcut language. The grownups (“the establishment”) have had their own lingo for years. Maybe not as much of it. And certainly not for such common speech as “laughing out loud” and “rolling on the floor”. But think about it. “IOU” stands for “I Own You”. The “You” part isn’t even the first letter, is it? I’ve been hearing “FYI” for a few decades now. And of course most of our federal branches are all abbreviated down to three letter names. FBI, NSA, CIA, IRS, DOD, DOJ, and so on. Back in the 90s, they were even flirting with calling the President PotUS. But it didn’t really catch on, so I think they dropped it. Besides, it was too great a temptation to leave out the “ot” part. And let’s not forget about the shortcuts used on Wallstreet. CEO, CFO, COO, NYSE, S&P, NASDAQ, etc.

    And the institutions of higher learning should not complain. After all they’ve had such terms as ACT, SAT, PSAT, NMSQT, PTA, and I’m sure there are more. Let’s face it, this has been a case of “the adults can do this, but not the kids”. The kids have to learn everything the hard, complete, and proper way, first. Spelling out every word from memory (without a word processor). Doing long division, by hand. Paying for their lunch without a credit card (or has that changed?). You get my point. But really!

    They stress why english grammer and spelling must be so perfect. And then US presidents and rock stars, succeed big time with poor or nonexistant grammer. Besides, until the politicians reform our economy. The only thing kids need to learn is how to flip hamburgers or point an M16. Only a tiny percentage of them are destine to be doctors. And talk about poor handwriting skills. Ever try to read a doctor’s perscription? There’s a life and death reason for having good handwriting, and yet so few do. Some drugs’ names are only a couple letters different from each other. And doctors abbreviate dosage information plenty! But don’t let your kids use abbreviations, that Webster hasn’t approved of. Not until the graduate, and become doctors or lawyer. Then they can adopt that profession’s weird lingo.

  3. John Paradox says:

    The term is ‘acronym’ for all except the I Owe (Oh) You (U). POTUS (President Of The United States) is in common usage, as is SCOTUS (Supreme Court Of The United States). For Your Information is again an acronym.

    Plus, I have to say your grammar (not grammer, that’s a variation on metric measurement, isn’t it?) isn’t exactly doing too well.


  4. Judge Jewdy says:


  5. andy says:


  6. Esteban says:


  7. bobbo says:

    When it becomes commonly used especially after being included in reputable dictionaries.

    I checked. “lol” has not made it to Websters (yet).

    But as Marshall McLuhan said “The medium is the message.”

    This early work is actually right on point:


    It would be even more remarkable if people did not use acronyms when typing on small devices.

  8. Said says:

    #2 – TLTR

    #6 – You are correct. Now STFU.

  9. Father Pedo Feel Ya says:

    Where, exactly, is that porn on Yahoo?

  10. floyd says:

    #2: “They stress why english grammer and spelling must be so perfect.”

    That’s “English grammar.” You’re welcome.

  11. TatooYou says:

    My Mother in Law thought LOL meant “lots of love” and would always end her emails, no matter the subject, LOL.
    “Going to see Grandma in the hospital…LOL”

  12. j_anis says:

    #13, As in Erin Moran, who played Joanie on Happy Days?

  13. OvenMaster says:

    #11: look around at a lot of the pages on Yahoo 360.
    That is, if the pages load for you! Offical support and maintenance was abandoned weeks ago, but users are loyal even in the face of it being shut down.

  14. hhopper says:

    Any time you run across any net slang, just check out the Urban Dictionary. It will almost always be in there.

  15. j_anis says:

    #19, Thank you!! I did not know that!

  16. brendal says:

    That’s the cat’s meow…groovy! 10-4, Good Buddy!



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