Crowd of 10,000: Boulder Daily Camera

“Nine, eight, seven …”

A crowd of about 10,000 people collectively began counting down on the University of Colorado’s Norlin Quadrangle just before 4:20 p.m. Sunday. Yet the massive puff of pot smoke that hovers over CU’s Boulder campus every April 20 — the date of an annual, internationally recognized celebration of marijuana — began rising over the sea of heads earlier than normal this year. “Oh forget it,” one student said, aborting the countdown to 4:20 p.m. and lighting his pipe early. He closed his eyes, taking a deep, long drag.


Although it’s become an annual and renowned event at CU, this year’s 4/20 celebration was different in some ways than in many previous years: The crowd was so large it migrated from the long-traditional site of Farrand Field to the larger Norlin Quad; festivities kicked off earlier than normal with daytime concerts; and CU police handed out zero citations. “At this point, none are anticipated,” said CU police Cmdr. Brad Wiesley.

“We can’t do the same thing year after year,” There’s no way our 12 to 15 officers are going to be able to deal with a crowd of 10,000. We just can’t do strong enforcement when we’re outnumbered 700 or 800 to one.”

So the crowd is behaving, the police aren’t concerned, life is good. I’m just sorry I’m upwind from Boulder.

  1. tallwookie says:

    Hope everyone had a happy 420, I know I did 😉

    Made Shrimp & Coconut Spring Rolls for munchies

  2. Raff says:

    What? 10,000 stoned people, no one got hurt, and no one got a ticket?

    Are we finally breaking out of the stone age?

  3. drdiesel says:

    Imagine if it was a celebration of (legal) beer/alcohol or tobacco? Think the peaceful results would have been the same?

    Somehow I doubt it…makes you think doesn’t it?

  4. JPV says:

    It’s a STUPID drug.

    I have NEVER met a habitual pot smoker that wasn’t a lazy, unmotivated, broke, useless piece of human shit.

  5. scumola says:

    And I thought that was a wildfire in the Boulder foothills yesterday.

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I have NEVER met a habitual pot smoker
    >>that wasn’t a lazy, unmotivated, broke,
    >>useless piece of human shit.

    I guess you never met any habitual pot smokers, have you Studly?

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #4 – I have NEVER met a habitual pot smoker that wasn’t a lazy, unmotivated, broke, useless piece of human shit.

    So pot smokers are different from you because you are not lazy, unmotivated, or broke… But as is true with all of us, it is obvious that you do share at least a few commonalities with others.

  8. bobbo says:

    #4–JPV==you do sound like the angriest dope-head I have seen post here. Check your load for paraquat.

  9. mj says:

    #4: How many habitual pot smokers have you met? I know some that fit your description, but I know a lot more that don’t. At the same time, many a people that never touch weed could be described as “lazy, unmotivated, broken, useless pieces of human shit”.

    To each his own, I guess (as long as you’re not hurting others). Glad to see the Boulder cops seem to have the same opinion!

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    “We just can’t do strong enforcement when we’re outnumbered 700 or 800 to one.”

    That can’t be true. You only need ONE cop to keep 10,000 mellow, deep-inhalin’ dudes in line, and his only job is to help you find the porta-potty!

  11. OmegaMan says:

    What may be popular may not be right…what may be right may not be popular.


    Change the bong water ever 1000 tokes or once a month; which ever comes first.

    McCullough…where is upwind to the Peoples Republic of Boulder? Broomfield Or Netherland? 🙂

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #11 – What may be popular may not be right…

    American Idol.

    what may be right may not be popular.


  13. Mister Mustard says:

    >>So pot smokers are different from you
    >>because you are not lazy, unmotivated,
    >>or broke…

    Oh, for the love of….OFTLO! Do you imagine that because JPV SAYS he’s not lazy, unmotivated, or broke, that means he’s not?


    I thought you were smarter than that! Coming up on 4:20 in California…

  14. McCullough says:

    #11. The western slope of the Rockies.

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #13 – Mustard… You know and I know that he’s just a malcontent nutjob and world class asshat… But for the joke to work, you have to give him credit for not being the other three things.

  16. fahrquar says:

    You dudes are sooooo cool. Screw the man, dude. To hell with the institution. I’m not conforming maaan. I just wanna smoke my weed that’s coming across the border with all the illegal immigrants and be mellllow, maaan. Those pigs can’t touch me maan. F–k them, I’m way too cool….

  17. Boo Radley says:

    #116. What are you an idiot? Nobody buys from Mexico anymore, sheesh!

  18. RBG says:

    These are the same dudes complaining about public corruption and government lawbreaking.


  19. Smartalix says:


    Some would equate the idiocy of illegal marijuana under the rubric of public corruption and government hypocrisy. (If making something illegal that shouldn’t be can be called illegality I’d apply that label too.)

    If you can’t see that marijuana legality is part of the same issue of government ham-handedness and corruption you are being deliberately myopic and disingenuous or you are not the swiftest boat in the fleet.

  20. RBG says:

    19. “If making something illegal that shouldn’t be…”

    Nice, my pals and I have our own pet list of laws that should be ignored as well. Starting with your dubious right to express yourself.


  21. Lou says:

    Didn’t your president smoke pot?

  22. Smartalix says:


    Then you should act to have those laws overturned. A bad law is deleterious to the very fabric of our society. Why not post a list of them here so we can better understand your position?

    As for the right to express oneself, that is exactly what the people in this event are doing. THey are expressing their distain for the bad law. They weren’t violent, they weren’t insuting to the police, they simply demonstrated that pot is not the evil wastrel drug some claim it is.

  23. RBG says:

    Smartalix… that’s some pretty fuzzy logic you have going there.

    Nahh, I’m not going to post anything. I’m just going to ignore those laws I don’t like, just like you and the dope addicts feel they have the right. Eventually someone will see the virtuous nature of my position.

    Oh, you missed one little thing else they were doing: Choosing which laws to follow and which not to follow. I want that too. And I hope next year I can have every one of them move off the field in a nice, non-violent way without having to resort to that other law I disagree with re the use of tear gas.

    That is the way it works isn’t it? We choose which laws that will govern our behavior?



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