Could Rupert Murdoch be so greedy as to engage in sabotage and hacking to get ahead in business?

Rupert Murdoch Firm Goes on Trial for Alleged Tech Sabotage – Wired: Did a Rupert Murdoch company go too far and hire hackers to sabotage rivals and gain the top spot in the global pay-TV war?
This is the question a jury will be facing in a spectacular five-year-old civil lawsuit that is finally being tried this month in California but which has, oddly, received little notice from U.S. media.

As always, the media seems clueless about everything. You would think that competing networks would be falling all over themselves to cover something like this and smear the competition. Must be that seeing the latest Britney antics is more popular.

The case involves a colorful cast of characters that includes former intelligence agents, Canadian TV pirates, Bulgarian and German hackers, stolen e-mails and the mysterious suicide of a Berlin hacker who had been courted by the Murdoch company not long before his death.

  1. the answer says:

    Rupert needs to sell the Speed Channel so I feel less dirty watching it.

    But if the big R does lose, what would that mean for his tv empire? Also I am glad I ditched my cable service for online television like Podcasts (public access), Joost, and Revision3

  2. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    You would think that competing networks would be falling all over themselves to cover something like this and smear the competition.

    No they wouldn’t.

    How many hard hitting expose’ style reports do we see covering the complex and profoundly important issue of media consolidation? This is kinda the same idea…

    You cannot smear the competitor without getting the tar and feathers on yourself. If Murdock is corrupt, then the masses will perceive the industry as corrupt, and thus, YOU as corrupt too.

  3. Phillep says:

    Can’t see why he’d want to pull anything, the other outfits are far to the left of the majority of the US viewers.

    Answer, you want him censored and silenced? “Freedom of speech” only for those you agree with? You really don’t want to go there. Read “Animal Farm” for why (hint, you are more likely to be sent to the knackers, or silenced in the “night of the long knives”, to mix an analogy, than to be inside and playing poker with the other oppressors in the end).

  4. Pmitchell says:

    what was left out is that the new nagra 2 cards (yellow card for dish users) was also hacked by a south Korean tech company who now is the maker of the chip in most FTA(free to air )receivers. Also dtv (direct tv) as far as is publicly known has never had the P4 card compromised (somebody learned real well from past mistakes) but dish network is still to this day easily hackable and all the tools and code can be found freely on the net

  5. floyd says:

    The lawsuit against Murdoch is probably not in the news because he owns so many newspapers, TV stations, and other media that can be easily persuaded not to run the story.

  6. mike cannali says:

    Makes me want to download the Fox News Toolbar


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