Graffiti artist Banksy pulls off most audacious stunt to date – despite being watched by CCTV | the Daily Mail — Ha.

Banksy pulled off an audacious stunt to produce what is believed to be his biggest work yet in central London.

The secretive graffiti artist managed to erect three storeys of scaffolding behind a security fence despite being watched by a CCTV camera.

Found by Teagon Murray.

  1. BillM says:

    Anybody who defaces someone else’s property is not an artist, they are a criminal and should be tossed in jail. I think if this stooge snuck up to your house some night and painted his crap all over the side of it, you would not be calling him an artist.

  2. why would they says:

    [Duplicate comment. – Deleted. – ed.]

  3. why would they says:

    Sure, he was watched, all the heads of CCTV watched……as Bansky promote CCTV worldwide!!!!!!!!! Any security guard that would have interfered would have been shot.

  4. bobbo says:

    So what?

    Is the city of London “supposed” to stop graffiti crime or only stop more serious crimes in progress?

    While stopping crime in progress is the highest standard, the cameras are valuable in arresting perps after the fact AND getting them convicted in court.

    No report from the camera operator?–No story.

  5. #1 If given a choice between the horrible looking wall as it existed and the painting, I’d take the painting.

  6. Improbus says:

    Welcome to the British version of Security Theater.

  7. the answer says:

    Despite being under CCTV?, I think that was the point. We need more art in the streets. [Starting at Bill M ‘s house (8 ]. If I have to be visually assaulted by billboard after billboard then I have the right to write what I want. Granted I don’t go on private buildings and such but i tag “respectfully”

  8. moss says:

    I tried – unsuccessfully – to get the local city council to permit a non-lethal open season on graffiti “artists”. You know, nothing bigger than .22 shorts.

    I still think it’s a terrific idea.

  9. admfubar says:

    yeah cities need more art!! and not that crappy graffiti stuff, we need the high quality aret like this

    or like this

    there is nothing like art that had been rolled out of manufacturing plant…
    whelp i’m off to starving artists sale, maybe i can pick up a few artists cheap..

  10. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    The guy has an important message, and in a sound byte/bumper sticker society, he’s communicating it as effectively as he can…

    …but all the status quo can do/will do is stammer around shakin’ fists in the air and shout “My property! My property!” They sound like the demon spawn children of Ayn Rand and Yosemite Sam.

    Like property is what defines us as humans. Like property gives us worth. The police state is emerging. When open society is a jail cell, what do you think your property will be worth?

    George Orwell wrote, “In our time political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible.” That seems to be more and more true each day. Here we are reading a story about an artist who has a message to deliver, and instead of talking about the message, we bandy about words like criminal and property and vandalism and one guy even suggests that shooting this guy is a good idea.

    Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini… these guys were defeated. Even the impact of Mao is slowly eroding in China. They ushered in eras of unprecedented social oppression and control resulting in years of misery and death for millions… but they have been defeated, and we rejoice and celebrate the bedrock principle of our society… freedom.

    Bertolt Brecht wrote, “Do not rejoice in his defeat, you men. For though the bastard is dead, the bitch that bore him is again in heat.

    Heed this warning.

  11. Mister Mustard says:

    >>They sound like the demon spawn
    >>children of Ayn Rand and Yosemite Sam.

    Gosh, I agree with you, OFTLO.

  12. Li says:

    Banksy rocks. I’ve seen some of his work in person, in my own city, and I have to say, that he/she is truly talented, and I would rather see his/her work than any billboard, any day.

  13. Uncle Ben says:

    Bansky is my hero!

  14. Noam Sane says:

    and you kids! stay off my lawn!
    – BillM

  15. bac says:

    The closer to anarchy society becomes, the more freedoms the people will have.

  16. BdgBill says:

    We need to stop calling these assholes “artists” and start breaking their thumbs when they get caught.

    All graffiti is filth.

  17. GetSmart says:

    Not all graffiti is art. Not all graffiti is crap. Sturgeon’s Law. 90% of everything is crap. You may not think Banksy is Norman Rockwell, but he’s very obviously not just some illiterate and mentally challenged gang-banger with a spray can.

  18. hhopper says:

    You can watch a slide show of Banksy art here.

  19. tallwookie says:

    First of all – #1: go eat shit and die, thanks

    Second of all, Banksey is fucking badass. He’s ballzy – my hat is off to you, sir.


  20. 888 says:

    Property owners ought to be allowed to shoot-on-sight at those “artists” without charges.
    Within few weeks all streets would be graffiti free.

    I simply can’t stand any western downtowns “decorated” by such assholes.

    Anyone disagreeing or thinking it is “an art” should spray-paint crap on their own homes or cars and see how does it feel to live in a place looking like ghetto.


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