In the capital of high fashion and ultrathin models, conservative French legislators have adopted a pioneering law aimed at stifling a proliferation of Web sites that promote eating disorders with “thinspiration” and starvation tips…

With such a law, the French legislators are seeking to tame a murky world of some 400 sites extolling “ana” and “mia,” fond nicknames for anorexia and bulimia. Since 2000, the Web sites have multiplied in different languages with blunt tips on crash dieting, binging, vomiting and hiding weight loss from concerned parents…

In Spain, support groups have emerged to counter the influence of pro-ana Web sites, and government authorities prodded Microsoft to close down four such groups on its social networking site, Live Spaces. Health experts in Britain have also attacked the growth of Web sites that refer to anorexia as “my friend ana.”

What is there to say about self-deception, self-destructive behavior?

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    Yuck. That is ONE CREEPY PHOTO. The girl’s hands are bigger than her thighs. Ecchh.

  2. Bono says:

    That’s hot.

  3. ChuckM says:

    I wonder what she looks like without makeup… I agree, totally creepy and amazing that some people find it beautiful. The reality is, Everyone is. However, this is not a healthy person and needs help.

  4. pat says:

    France, once again leading the protection of personal liberties… What a dump of a country.

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #1 and #2 – Good Christ… It’s a fake. It’s part of a series of phoney fashion photos fabricated to highlight the horrors of eating disorders. We covered this the last 300* times that picture showed up here.

    *admittedly, an exaggeration**

    **Sorry… I skipped breakfast today and I’m a little grumpy.

    While I applaud France in trying to curb a vicious trend, they are about to learn an important lesson. Censorship will always ultimately fail.

    The Internet sees censorship as a flaw and instinctively routes around it. They cannot ban anything. But good luck anyway France… It’s always fun to watch a forgone conclusion as it plays out.

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    >>1 and #2 – Good Christ… It’s a fake.

    Link, please.

  7. JimD says:

    Definitely UNHEALTHY, and not very pretty either !!!

  8. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #6 –

    Suck on that Mustard… The FIRST link on Google.

  9. bobbo says:

    #5–OFTLO–I agree but can we both still applaud France for trying? Even in failure, it becomes a value statement AND probably also restrict the number of casual readers of such material??

    We censor many things, and fail at many things. Trying to do the right thing, is the right thing.

    Mustard==this blog about 3-4 weeks ago had long thread. Maybe check Snopes==some of the other photos are “interesting” as well.

  10. Janky-o says:

    “What is there to say about self-deception, self-destructive behavior?”

    Free speech?

    The pix, as noted, are fake.

  11. jbenson2 says:

    The solution is to get the European males to stop drooling over these “so-called” babes.

    Maybe this explains why native Europe is suffering from a population decline. Gross!

  12. jbenson2 says:

    Here are some other European beauties.

    Parisian high-fashion models.

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Suck on that Mustard…

    Jeez. You get up on the wrong side of bed, or what, OFTLO??

    I think even the UNEDITED photo of our girl is pretty scary. So you can’t see her ribs as much as you can after they Photoshopped them in; she is STILL horrifyingly scrawny. And her hand is STILL bigger than her thigh.

  14. Jetfire says:

    I agree with #15 Mistard Mustard the original photo isn’t much better. All those women need to add some meat to their bones. I just think the Photoshopped version mad the point more clear.

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #9 – #5–OFTLO–I agree but can we both still applaud France for trying?

    Feel free to applaud anything you like…

    While I wrote that I applauded France for whatever… on second thought, I have to wonder… Who, aside from the mentally ill sufferers of anorexia, actually opposes the sentiment of trying to curb the disease?

    Even in failure, it becomes a value statement

    You can use a proclamation to make a value statement.

    AND probably also restrict the number of casual readers of such material??

    That’s the thing. It is NEVER right to restrict any free person from reading anything publicly posted. And I’m hard pressed to imagine an exception to the similar notion that it is never right to restrict anyone from reading anything.

    We censor many things, and fail at many things. Trying to do the right thing, is the right thing.

    Okay… But censoring is never right.

    The only right way to attack these pro-anorexia sites is with counter-programming. I’m not sure if that’s most effective… but that’s not the point…

  16. bobbo says:

    #15—OFTLO==I agree. Need that booster shot every once in awhile to maintain that absolutist position (as modified).

  17. hhopper says:

    It’s not just women who suffer from anorexia.

    I beat anorexia

  18. Mr. Catshit says:

    While I applaud the idea, I too have a problem with censorship.

  19. Imposter says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  20. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #13 – Jeez. You get up on the wrong side of bed, or what, OFTLO??

    Sorry bout that… I should have included the smiley…


  21. Kym says:

    I think the French government is right. 🙂

  22. kurtlin says:

    omg!!!!!!!!!!!wat the hell is that


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