Nick Hornby, the author of such books as High Fidelity, Fever Pitch, About a boy and others, was present at the Apple Store on Regent Street, London, to promote his latest book, Slam, last 10th of April, 2008. The following videos are from this event.

  1. JimD says:

    Hey! I thought the “All Seeing, All Knowing, All Powerful” Jobs said people don’t read anymore, so why is he allowing his Apple Store to be use to publicize OBSOLETE PRINT MEDIA ???

  2. martymankins says:

    Love Nick Hornby’s work. I know some of it can be a bit of a downer, but he’s a great writer. And how can you not like both the print and film versions of “High Fidelity”

  3. Erik Blazynski says:

    I am 2 min into the first video, and this is the biggest waste of 2 min. ever. I stop watching and move on with my life. This is the worst post ever.


  4. Gasparrini says:

    #3 – What a completely useless comment. Why where you watching the video? Do you even know who the author is?

  5. hhopper says:

    I’ve never read any of Hornby’s books but I really enjoyed the movie, “High Fidelity.”


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