Turtle Man

  1. ethanol says:

    Stunned silence with some chuckling mixed in…

  2. FRAGaLOT says:

    what the fuck?

  3. bh28630 says:

    This man’s father was Barbara Bush’s secret lover. I’ll bet you can spot the resemblance twixt the turtle man and his brother.

  4. RTaylor says:

    Before the intellectual snobs weigh in on this guy, ask yourself when was the last time you were this happy at work. Besides, turtles are good eating.

  5. WmDE says:

    He can keep his job. The last time I dealt with a snapping turtle it was trying to get through a fence to occupy my pond.

    My turtle seemed to have more fight in it than the ones in the video. Of course my technique did not include grabbing it by the aft end, swinging it around and hollering. Somehow that doesn’t seem intuitive.

  6. Les says:

    More tooth than brain.

  7. The Warden says:

    What he didn’t tell you is that his friends call him “Chainsaw.”

    And what wasn’t explained is WHY he does this? Is it to catch and eat? And does he sell the turtle penises to superstitious chinese men so that they can get erections?

  8. julieb says:

    I think he’s awesome.

  9. Jägermeister says:

    He might not have any front teeth, but he’s happy with what he’s doing. It’s more than you can say about some city slickers who can’t find happiness and instead turn to drugs. Just look at the people in Hollywood… you would think they got it all, but they still take drugs to feel happy.

  10. t0llyb0ng says:

    Where was all this taking place again? Arkansas? Alabama?

    Pardon me if I missed it.

  11. SWILK3RS says:

    I think that I saw this guy in our apartment pond last week. He didn’t catch anything but he did do that annoying yell though. Maybe he caught a box turtle instead of a snapping turtle.

  12. emeryjay says:

    No. 4 — I’m with you. Bet he doesn’t have ulcers either. And he gets a good night’s sleep.

  13. Balbas says:

    Real men have algae ‘stead of chest hair!

  14. the answer says:

    screw dynamite fishing, THAT’s the hardcore way to do it

  15. bobbo says:

    You ever watch little kids at play and see psychological mechanisms being displayed right on the surface?

    Same deal with folks defending turtle man. He didn’t need defending until you did.

  16. Lou Minatti says:

    I think he’s great. If the sh** hits the fan and we see Great Depression 2009, who do you think will have full bellies? Turtle Man and his family or Skip and Suzie Foreclosure from Orange County?

  17. Steve-O says:

    My Father and I did this once, and only once in a pond that we were draining. Found two turtles and sold them to a bar for them to make soup.

    I do the yell at my job about 4 or 5 times a day just to stay awake…….

  18. turtle man says:

    Is it legal to take that many turtles? Are they not protected? If he is doing that every day, how many turtles does he take? If people like to eat them that much, why not farm them instead of taking the wild ones out of the ecosystem?

  19. AWWang says:

    I might have a little stupid question… Why do turtles look like so called ‘you know whats’ or ‘your private spot’???

    And those creatures are ugly looking too! LMAO, :D!


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