1. bobbo says:

    Well, this raises “so” many questions/issues. I’ll go at random with the punchline at the end.

    1. Years after 9-11 and many emergency services still do not have coordinated/interconnecting communications system.

    2. How would the group have voted on more controversial issues like prayer in school, abortion, tax levels?

    3. Analogy–the notion that USA cannot be the World’s Policeman is proving to be true in Iraq. Better we try to be Firefighters if anything, or when acting alone.==Go in, put out the fire (ie–decapitate the throne==although I’ve always wondered why an assassination squad for 10 Million couldn’t do the job of an army at 3 Trillion) and then return to the firehouse.

    4. Now, were the 9-11 Firefighters Hero’s ((-FOR-))going into the towers while everyone else was leaving?? Like everyone else, I certainly thought so until in a debriefing the Fire chief said “If we knew the building was in danger of collapsing, we would have never gone in.” Smart man, honest.

    Yes, most hero’s are simple victims of someone else’s fuck-up and its well known bestowing meaningless titles and awards help cover that fact up.

  2. The Warden says:

    What they neglected showing is them putting dog food into each others food at the Congressional Cafeteria.

  3. moss says:

    bobbo, you’re too funny. Take a statement about simplicity and directness and turn it into something as complex as the crap our politicians roll in.

    You should be in Congress.

  4. Dallas says:

    Nice but the devil is always in the details 🙂

    Still, great commercial for an election year!

  5. bobbo says:

    #3–Thanks Moss. I appreciate you see it as a curse as I do===but congress????

    I’ll have to dial it back 3 notches.

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #3 – Moss… Relax dude… Bobbo is doing what I expect, and doing it very well…

    I expect nothing less of my students.

  7. bobbo says:

    #6–OFTLO==completely. I personally would always rather learn than teach. Good attitude to have here, and actually occurs fairly regularly if you follow up on the links and think just a bit when disagreed with.

  8. peter_m says:

    Funny video. Good comercial. Maybe if politicians didn’t have to worry about lobbyists and large donations…

  9. bob says:

    It is funny.

  10. ronnie says:

    What do they say after the tax question?

  11. tradedate says:

    taxes: One page or less.


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