
EAST HAMPTON, N.Y. (AP) — Jerry Seinfeld was surprised, but unhurt, after his car’s brakes failed during a weekend drive.

Jerry Seinfeld

The New York Post reports the comic was driving alone in his vintage 1967 Fiat BTM when its brakes stopped working. Police in Long Island say the emergency brake didn’t help either, as the car sped toward traffic.

Authorities say Seinfeld had to swerve to avoid the intersection, and the car flipped over just yards from the highway. The East Hampton town police chief tells the Post that Seinfeld’s maneuver probably avoided “a very serious accident.”

The sitcom star didn’t need medical attention and no summonses were issued. Seinfeld took it in stride, however, warning young people that “driving without braking” is not something he’d recommend.

Way to go Jerry.

Thanks MJ.

  1. the answer says:

    I am sure we will hear all about this for the next few months in what only he calls comedy.

  2. Improbus says:

    Must be a slow news day if we are down to “celebrity” car accidents.

  3. Seinfan says:


    [Har. – ed.]

  4. TatooYou says:

    Do you suppose brake failure is more dangerous than yelling racial epitaths at black people in a comedy club?

    [Ah, that was Michael Richards, and did you mean epithets?- ed.]

  5. epp_b says:

    Nice title.

    Anyway, he sounds like a good driver. Kudos to him for doing the right thing and quick thinking in his situation.

  6. Sinn Fein says:

    Ditto #5. Good going, Jerry.

    How many people would automatically panic and plow into everybody without attempting to avoid the worst case scenario? Answer: Most.

  7. bobbo says:

    Fiat BTM = could that be “Breakes, Try (need) Maintenance”

    Odds are they dripped out of brake fluid and Jerry hasn’t popped the hood in several years.

    Still, I admire anyone that keeps and (maintains) a vintage car.

    Timing is everything==but turn off the ignition (Helps avoid a fire after the crash too) and downshift?

    Maybe some maintenance on the hand brake too?

  8. Noam Sane says:

    Seinfan, that was funny. #1, you’re a dipshit.

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    Since the emergency brake operates completely independently of the regular hydraulic brakes, you have to wonder how BOTH could fail simultaneously. Something fishy here. The Bullshit-O-Meter is moving into the red zone.

  10. bobbo says:

    #9–Mustard==so you think hydraulic and cable actuated brakes were both maintained on this vintage car and something else more likely intervened such as to call for the BS-o-Meter?

    I look forward to confirmation of the extraordinary trumping the ordinary. God intervenes once again.

  11. MotaMan says:

    Who owns over 70 high end Porsche vehicles and not have top mechanics on staff? He was fucking off and lost control. There is no way that those brakes failed, he’s probably got after-market brembo’s or something way over sized.

    he’s lucky he crashed into nothing.

  12. dejavuyou says:

    Just a note here… Nobody can ever be in Long Island. They can only be on it.

  13. DrBen54 says:

    So, was he driving the weird little Fiat 500 or the somewhat sexy Dino?

    Or the horrid little 1100D like my folks had….

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    Bobster; Yes, I think both brakes were maintained, and something else is operating here. Could it be that Jerry’s career is cooling like Mama Bear’s porridge? I’ve had many cars, maintained and not maintained, and I’ve NEVER had something go wrong with both the emergency brake and the regular brakes.

    As to your comment about God, wtf? Don’t bait the bull, son.

  15. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Do you suppose brake failure is more
    >>dangerous than yelling racial epitaths
    >>at black people in a comedy club?

    “epitaths”? wtf are they?

  16. ur momma says:

    Mustard… try frickin google. (define:epitaph)

    An epitaph ( literally: “on the gravestone” in ancient Greek) is text honoring the deceased, most commonly inscribed on a tombstone or plaque. Traditionally an epitaph is in verse, but there are exceptions. Many poets have been known to compose their own epitaphs prior to their death.

  17. epp_b says:

    [Fiat BTM = could that be “Breakes, Try (need) Maintenance”

    Odds are they dripped out of brake fluid and Jerry hasn’t popped the hood in several years.]

    Seinfeld is a certified car nut. Odds are more likely that the brakes failed because it’s Fiat.

  18. Chris Mac says:

    fiats have brakes?!?

    next thing you’ll tell me is they have a reverse gear..

  19. bobbo says:

    Heres a racial epitath:

    You’re Black,
    I’m White,
    You’re Wrong,
    I’m Right.

    Copyrighted by bobbo

  20. bobbo says:

    – – – or- – – –

    Lets reverse it:

    You’re White,
    I’m Black,
    You’re Right,
    I’m still Wrong.

    Copyright by bobbo.

    Somehow the first more direct version where I’m White and Right just feels better. Being Right is like that.

  21. Chris Mac says:

    being wrong is funner

  22. Ron Larson says:

    FIAT = Fix It Again Tony.

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Mustard… try frickin google. (define:epitaph)

    I know what an epitaph is, Einstein. I’m just not familiar with an “epitaths”.

    Answer the question that’s asked, Momma, not the one you know the answer to.

  24. TatooYou says:

    ““epitaths”? wtf are they?”

    That’s what is known as a typo, it happens sometimes when a happy go lucky type person posts something in a hurry trying give everybody a few chuckles.
    I wouldn’t expect an uptight asshole to understand that.

  25. Mr. Catshit says:

    #9, MM,

    Have you ever tried stopping a car using only the emergency brakes? Especially one that hasn’t been used?

    While granted there are those who do use the emergency brake, most people I know would leave the car in gear instead. Especially if you have ever had the emergency brake seize while the car was parked.

    I think the automatic transmission blind American driving public has forgotten most of the idiosyncrasies of standard transmission driving habits.

    BTW, I loved your retort in #26. A classic.


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