Anybody remember the Saturday Night Live sketch with the late, great Peter Cook and Dudley Moore that took place in a ‘vacation’ elevator? Each floor was a different country. Here, each floor is a small town. Or it’s own country! Welcome to the all Liechtenstein floor! Of course, they could fit the entire population on just a few floors. Naturally you’d have Bill Gates buying a whole floor for himself — Billylandia!
Ooh, so many story ideas… ‘A Tale of Two Floors.’ ‘The Floor That Time Forgot.’ ‘No Floor For Old Men.’
And you just know when it’s finished Dubai will already have two that are taller.
Excellent. Just what the London skyline needs; A 5000ft cigarette made of swiss cheese.
OK–did Monty Python dream this up?
And when the earthquake topples it over ? It is probably un-insurable, just like flying-cars (imagine drunks getting their hands on those – what a nightmare !) !!!
[Deleted because this loser can. — ed.]
I love the fact that the open areas are to be used for common areas. After all, the wind isn’t that strong, and the air isn’t that cold in the upper floors. Are they smoking crack? One two year old gets swept up by the wind and thrown to their bloody death 4000 feet below and these common areas will be shut down instantly.
What would they call it ? The London Shaft ? “You’ve been SHAFTED” !!! Or perhaps the London NEEDLE, to go into the London EYE when it topples ???
How come they don’t something like this in the United States? Oh, that’s right, Cheney would use it for flight target practice!
Yeah, I live in the Terrorist Target Tower. [I will be in my cave]
I’s probably just me, but the instant I saw that picture I imagined some huge, horrible Dr. Who monster using it like a straw to suck up the inhabitants of London.
Wow… it is like a beehive, for humans.
The tower looks like a paper towel roll that was hit with a shotgun blast.
Years ago we went up St Paul’s right to the top little round viewing room. I thought we’d go back down the same way, on the inside, but no. Part of the way down we had to go *outside* along the dome that had a 1 foot fence for protection.
One little step and over you went, sliding down the dome onto the cement below, splat like a tomato. Never like heights from that day on!
If that’s St Paul’s beside the new building in the picture, yikes.
That’s 30 feet per floor.
Maybe they’ll use it to hold the last Christians in England.
I’ve always wanted to live in a giant Doobie. I like it.
Sheesh! You could fit the entire population of my town on one floor and still have room for 200 more. Wow.
I knew someone back in the 70’s that had one of those bongs in the picture.
They need to make it more penis-shaped.
I assume the holes are to allow jets to fly through harmlessly.
How many Albert Halls does it take to fill one of those holes? Oh boy.
Oh man oh man…another architect from North Korea escaped to england…
Come on people, that design should be preferable to a mile high crapper. That design just begs to be built so it can sink into the ground (for night) and then be raised above ground.
Reminds me of an arcology.
Is the current state of structural engineering up to something this large?
I’m skeptical about the claim that most of the water can be recycled, with any needed fresh water harvested from the clouds. Ever walk in fog with your mouth open and feel less thirsty?
I wonder if they considered or modeled the acoustical resonances that the winds and such a tube would create ???
On a more practical note, how big is the main sewer connection and where does it all go?