
No wish is too large or too small for the Wish Upon A Hero website.

The website is free to its users and allows them to make and grant wishes.

The wishes range from books, a pair of good shoes, to a laptop for a teen who lost her friend to cancer.

Jessica Chinni, a registered member, made her first wish two weeks ago. She just wanted some missing game pieces from the Pooh Bear Candy Land. Her wish was granted within two days.

This is an interesting concept but it’s ripe for abuse.

Found by MJ Hopper.

  1. zybch says:

    “a laptop for a teen who lost her friend to cancer.”

    Wait, does that mean I get to have a laptop too. I lost my mother to cancer 11 years ago too!
    This just reeks of a scam!
    Have you even looked at some of the wishes?

    “Video camera for ‘school’ “(yeah right).
    “I want a house”
    “money for an operation coz I’m too cheap to pay for Insurance”
    “laptop for ‘college’ ”
    “stuff for my own house”
    “Pay off my debts”
    etc etc

    Sure, there are some less grabby needy me-me-me ones there, but mostly outweighed by the selfish ones by people who would seem to have dug their own holes in the first place and who aren’t prepared to make sacrifices or work to get what they think they need.

  2. NappyHeadedHo says:

    I just wish I could figure out how to block the religious channels on cable.

  3. KwadGuy says:

    Most of them seem greedy or frivolous. But there are a few that tempt me to give, like the woman who’s asking for a non-cash donation to help with an easter basket or easter dinner for her kid. (It was on the front page when I visited).

  4. Jägermeister says:

    Organized begging just got better.

  5. Peter Rodwell says:

    The only logical wish would be that all your wishes come true forever. Then you can concentrate on the important things: eternal life, endless cash, Paulina Rubio, etc…

  6. green says:

    Sucker born every minute. There must be a ribbon for that. Scratch and sniff maybe…

  7. admfubar says:

    i wish for enough money to live the rest of my life worry free…
    soooooooooooooooooooo come on down!!! the price is right!!!

  8. CallMeCrazy says:

    What everyone here is not seeing is all the GOOD this website has done. Just take some time to look and see the amazing wishes that have been granted. Closed minded negative people will not be able to see the good in a site like this, and that if fine. If you are unwilling to see the good in being able to pick and choose who you would like to help, I feel sorry for you. It’s NOT all about money. Many people are asking for non-monetary things, such as food for their kids, hand-me-down clothing, unused video games, many many different things that someone may have an not using anymore. Yes, there will always be people asking for money, but the great thing about the site is that you can pass right by that wish on to another. The Good feeling of helping someone in need is unmatched. Please don’t judge what you do not understand.

  9. angelofpoisonivy says:

    I was raped, hit, burned, called names, every single thing you could imagine someone doing to someone else has been done by a man I married the only thing he didnt do was kill me and I am sure if I stayed longer he would have. I have a 4 year old wonderful amazing little boy. He makes me smile when I dont think I have it in me anymore. I have spent every sinlge dime I have made trying to protect my son from him I have been to court 7 times my I have paid my lawyer $14,000 and now that the court hearings are coming to a close and my money has run out my lawyer wants another $7000 or wont go to my last court hearing. I dont want my son hurt I dont want my son to grow up like that man. I have scars on the outside and the inside that are never going to go away. My son is my everything my world and I need help protecting him. Please someone help me.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I’d suggest Jesus as your Lord and savior. God can heal your pain. In order to be saved you need to confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that He rose from the dead. You should incorporate it into a sinners prayer. God can help you.


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