Celeste Minardi


LARGO, FL – Mar. 22, 2008– A mother in a psychiatrist’s office for supervised visitation with her 15-year-old son pulled out a dagger and drywall knife and stabbed the boy in the abdomen, then cut his throat, Largo Police Sgt. Mark Young said Saturday.

Celeste Minardi, 55, was arrested on charges of attempted murder and carrying a concealed weapon Saturday morning, accused of stabbing and slashing her son Bradley Driscoll, Young said.
The attack, using a 15-1/2 inch ornamental dagger and a 12-inch drywall knife, left the teenager with a deep stab wound to his abdomen and slashes on his neck and forehead, Young said. The boy staggered out to the lobby and collapsed, he said.

Hmmmm… must be some new type of therapy.

  1. Dallas says:

    Visitations are now every OTHER weekend.

  2. eyeofthetiger says:

    This lady has no previous criminal history. Women do not kill their children unless they are in a war zone with a death cult reference or they are on a very strong mood altering drug.

  3. Seth says:

    I searched for other articles on this case but no mention of the reason for the stabbing. I wonder what made her do it.

    #2, women have killed their children all throughout history without a war or being on drugs. Infanticide is still going on in poor and overpopulated countries in Asia.

    If you Google around and many similar cases show up even in America. We are animals and are aren’t above brutality even against our own blood.

  4. RTaylor says:

    Not to over simplify things, but sometimes people just go nuts.

  5. JPV says:

    Funny… she looks like a perfectly normal person.

    [Har! – ed.]

  6. Daniel says:


    My guess? She was bitter about the divorce and couldn’t take it anymore. She lashed out at her son because he was a constant reminder of her ex husband and the last thing connecting them.

  7. sirfelix says:

    If the boy wasn’t scarred before he is definately scarred now.

  8. Max Bell says:

    She looks like the Scarfe animation sequence in Pink Floyd’s The Wall, is what she looks like.

    And no, while parents of both genders commit infanticide for entirely mundane motives, this woman had no prior history of violence and was at a psychiatrist’s office for supervised visitation with her son.

    Certainly wouldn’t want to unfairly stereotype the mentally ill (why stigmatize one’s own kind?)or jump to any conclusions or anything, but it’s not unfair to admit it gives the impression that it might have had something to do with her being fruit-loops.

  9. Janky-o says:

    Who has a visitation at a psychiatrist’s office?

  10. Janky-o says:

    Actually, come to think of it, this reminds me of Dr. Evil and his son Scott.

  11. HillWilliam says:

    Florida, where else…

  12. NappyHeadedHo says:

    Unless she was carrying a golf bag it would have been pretty difficult to conceal a 15.5″ ornamental dagger and 12″ dry wall knife. I’ll bet some of the guys here would still date her as long as she wore handcuffs.

  13. Dude984 says:

    Dvorak…where do you GET these stories?

    [Dvorak: the team gets them. I just stand back awestruck]

    [I HAD to run this story because of the photo. – ed.]

  14. Niloc says:

    WooHoo! My home state does me proud yet AGAIN! Highest crazy per square mile density of any state in the nation!

    Anyway she’s his MOTHER people, therefore it wasn’t attempted murder it was attempted retroactive abortion. It’s a woman’s right to choose! That’s still fine in the 48th trimester right?

  15. Hmeyers says:

    Parents that hurt or abuse their children ought to have their heads smashed in with a sledgehammer in a public square.

    No sympathy for parents that lack emotional control and severely injure their children.

  16. bobbo says:

    #16–HMyers==I wonder if can “glimpse” that your attitude is only a small variant of this womans own mental condition?

    Who in the world demonstrates the need for mental health intervention more than a parent that kills their offspring?

    A culture/attitude of violence and retribution describes HER emotional status more than anything else right now.

    Good job.

  17. Jägermeister says:

    #18 – pedro – careful, they may prevent to growth of another hitler or something like that.

    It would cause a crisis in the Republican party.

  18. Mr. Catshit says:

    #19, Jag,

    No need to worry on that one. It’s been taken care of.

  19. Hmeyers says:

    @17 “I wonder if can “glimpse” that your attitude is only a small variant of this womans own mental condition?”

    The difference between good and evil in the world lies with a value system (80%) and/or genetics (20%).

    You read stories of people who kill their children and then themselves. Why don’t they just skip killing their children and go straight for killing themselves?

    We invest a ton of money on criminals that will never reform themselves and cannot be rehabilitated.

    One way to describe it is as “compassionate”. The word I would choose is wasteful.

    When a parent intentionally does serious injury to a child, they fail the test of humanity.

  20. Hmeyers says:

    Add: I would say Christianity has a lot to do with child abuse.

    “Jesus will forgive you no matter what fucked up things you do” or the “this life doesn’t really matter, only the after life is important” … yada, yada, yada.

    I personally think those 2 attitudes inspire a lot of fucked up behavior.

  21. Mister Feline Feces says:

    #22 – Couldn’t agree more! Thank you Cheeses!

  22. bilgo bad says:

    Thank you #15 My sentiments exactly. #22 Most religions are against abortion. The lowest form of child abuse.

  23. Russ says:

    Pedro, I bet you still are. 😉

  24. Mister Feline Feces says:

    #24 – No, I was a nun. They dressed me up as an altar boy to try and get me pregnant.

  25. bobbo says:

    #21–HMyers==you say “When a parent intentionally does serious injury to a child, they fail the test of humanity.”

    Yes, and why do they fail the test of humanity?==BECAUSE THEY ARE MENTALLY ILL!!!!!!!!!

    Now, if you want to execute the mentally ill, rather than provide treatment and only maybe a cure, I’m all for that.

    What I’m AGAINST is confusing issues. People who make evil choices–eg, to get money, to advance a career, to avoid taking responsibility, also fail the test of humanity but are sane. Once again, if you want to execute these people, I’m all for it, but that doesn’t make them the same.

    People doing the same acts because of voices in their heads, religious or otherwise, or because they think their kids are possessed by the devil (gee, religion again) or whatever other “irrational” reason exists are not the same type of “evil” as rational people people doing the same thing, but for different reasons and with different potentials for rehabilitation.

    Don’t know if this makes a real difference, but the difference remains.

  26. Mr. Catshit says:

    #21, Hmeyers,

    We invest a ton of money on criminals that will never reform themselves and cannot be rehabilitated.

    Really ??? Please share with us who, where, and how much. I know of only a handful of underfunded projects. Most of the prison money goes to warehouse people until they get out. That is not an investment, it is a waste of money.

    When they get out, the prison condition has so warped their minds and sensibilities most will end up back inside in a very short time. Released prisoners all get that scarlet letter that prevents them from getting decent jobs or even a place to live.

    Then in #22, you claim religion fucks up people’s heads. I guess you forget that society’s great expectation of personal responsibility for everyone, except the good ole wing nut crowd, might have something to do with it.

    Mental illness is a disease. The same as a heart condition, cancer or Republicanism.

  27. friend of brad says:

    I wish people would think about the fact that this boy is traumatized and lying in a hospital bed, fighting to recover, physically and mentally. When he gets well and decides to google his name, he’s going to read the junk that people say about him and about his mother. Everyone makes fun of everything that happens in the world without thinking about the innocent kid they may be hurting.

    Brad is an amazingly wonderful kid, who is remarkably well-adjusted and bright in spite of the fact that his mother is mentally ill, and all the things that he and his dad have suffered over the years. He loved her even in spite of this, and maybe in some ways still will.

    Everybody needs to keep him in mind when they are posting things. Remember that Brad will be reading these things some day. God bless you, Brad, and get well. We love you.

  28. LeftBankHook says:

    Good thing that visitation was supervised! The supervisor did a top-notch job….

  29. Mr. Catshit says:

    #31, friend,

    Why would you want “god” to bless Brad? Shouldn’t the question be “Why wasn’t god watching out for Brad already”? Or, on the other hand, maybe this is part of god’s plan. It just could be that god wanted Brad to be all cut up by his mother whom god made unwell in the first place.

    Being the relative of an infamous person is unfortunate. Think of Lee Harvey Oswald’s wife and family. Or John Hinkley’s parents. Or how about any of Timothy McVey’s extended family? Or being related to Neil Bush? Or Larry Craig, for that matter. It usually isn’t something we ask for, but it happens.

  30. crazylady says:

    The boy was probably a brat and his mama was tired of his whining.


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