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  1. billabong says:

    A great pic for .

  2. QB says:

    That’s classic. The guys are sleeping it off in their huts and a warm front moved in or they’re too near a creek which cleared. That’s even better than teenagers who drive drop their old man’s truck in the drink every spring while doing doughnuts on the lake on a Saturday night.

  3. Georgie says:

    I love this story! It really cracked me up (no pun intended).

  4. Mr. Catshit says:

    In the wilds of really east Russia, there are few roads. In the winter it is not uncommon to drive on frozen rivers and lakes as they are smooth.

    Without knowing as a fact, I would guess someone was driving a little too fast and created a pressure wave that cracked the ice closest to shore.

    Damn funny to Westerners, not so funny if that is your car soaking up the brown water.


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