Campus Life
When the owners of Quickie Burger and Dogs chose their logo, they thought it would make patrons crave an order of chili cheese fries. But the logo, a busty woman in a tight shirt straddling a hamburger, has drawn criticism from campus groups. The newest addition to the South State Street landscape has caused a stir on campus with its brightly colored logo, which some believe is offensive. The Stonewall Democrats, a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender caucus of the University’s College Democrats chapter, has taken offense with the restaurant’s logo and recently began circulating a petition to sway the owners to change the logo. LSA senior Kolby Roberts, a member of the Stonewall Democrats who has led the effort, said he finds the logo’s message inappropriate and offensive.

“I have a problem that you take a women riding a hamburger and you put it next to the word ‘quickie,’ ” he said. “It just seems like it’s not putting a good message out there for the objectification of women.” Arman said she would be open to talking with the protesters. “We will consider talking to them,” she said. “We’re open-minded. We’re not here to offend anyone or to make anyone angry.”

I would think the Stonewall Democrats would be the last group to find something like this offensive.

  1. Daniel says:

    Whatever happened to just not eating there? Vote with your dollars I always say.

  2. Offensive? Have these supposed gays ever been to a gay pride parade? Something is suspicious about this story. It’s a cartoon for gods sake. I’m almost convinced that this story is so fake that it’s an attempt by the Republicans to make Democrats looks like hypocrites.

  3. dm says:

    At least she isn’t riding the hot dog.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    I wonder if these “Stonewall Democrats” would have been offended if there had been TWO girls on the burger!

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    Oh, and by the way, after Obama’s performance last week and Hillary’s performance since I can remember, the Democrats don’t need any Republicans to make them look like hypocrites…

  6. sirfelix says:

    The word for happy now means gay.
    The image of a rainbow now means gay.
    Now the word for fast has a new meaning?
    I see a fast food title and the burger is a speeding car.

    Whats next: “Jeff’s Spooning Ice Cream” = sex with cows?

    Is this why the world is going to kaka? Maybe people’s priorities are in need of a change.

  7. jbenson2 says:

    The name is Quickie Burger and Dogs. Where’s the hot dog in the picture?

    Hmmm, that would really flipped out the LGBT folks.

    By the way, after watching the news this week, I think John Dvorak’s comment were just a bit off. The correct statement should be:

    I’m almost convinced that this story is so fake that it’s an attempt by the Democrats to make Democrats looks like hypocrites.

    Clinton vs. Obama – Let the games continue!

  8. Ben Beltran says:

    @#7: Oh, the hot dog’s there … you just can’t see it 😉

  9. robotic sushi says:

    Perhaps the “quickie” is in reference to the time that it takes to slide through one’s digestive tract.

  10. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Everything should have a sexual undertone. There are two states: thinking about sex and dead. All advertising should contain at least 1 of the following: stupid humor, blatant sexual titillation. There is nothing else.

    Even scientific papers about global warming should have gratuitous sexual references and illustrations in them.

    #9 – That would make them similar to sliders, because that is a very apt description. But they’re damn tasty anyway…

  11. Mr. Catshit says:

    #5, Ah Yea,

    Still trolling.


    Pre-opting a word is bad practice. I agree that “gay” sure the heck doesn’t mean the same thing as it did during the 1890s or even the Flintstones theme song line, “We’ll have a gay old time”.

    “I have a problem that you take a women riding a hamburger and you put it next to the word ‘quickie,’ ” he said. “It just seems like it’s not putting a good message out there for the objectification of women.”

    So what is the objection. The word “quickie, riding a hamburg, the woman on the hamburg, the word next to the hamburg, the woman next to the word, or all three together.

    If there had been a guy pulling a wheelie on a bike instead, would that also have some obscure meaning? What if the picture was a large black woman riding a spatula?


    On a sober note, I don’t think this group should reflect on all homosexuals or Democrats. I know how Republicans so loudly proclaimed Craig wasn’t representative of all Republicans.

  12. FelixA9 says:

    They should change the sign- to a busty woman riding a hot dog ROFL!

  13. Rick says:

    Who cares? Nobody gave a damn that I was offended when that D-Vinyls song ‘I touch myself’ came out and was on EVERY top 40 list in North America! And TRY to explain to a little girl why she can’t sing her new favorite song walking down the street! So screw anybody who is offended by this logo! I know the 2 are not related but whatever, back to my original sentence-who cares?


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