Houston Chronicle – March 21, 2008:

Authorities suspect a 2-year-old boy who died with a fractured skull was accidentally crushed by a morbidly obese relative.

Hidalgo County Justice of the Peace Bobby Contreras, who pronounced the child dead Tuesday night, said that investigators believe the woman fell on the child.

“It didn’t look like there was any foul play from what I saw,” he said.

An autopsy was scheduled for Friday afternoon with the official cause of death to be released Monday.

Hidalgo County Sheriff Lupe Trevino, who termed the death “suspicious,” said he would wait for the official cause of death before deciding whether to file charges.

  1. SN says:

    “I’ll have to remove your feed from my rss reader.”

    No one forces you to be here. You’re free to leave at anytime. Don’t let the browser door hit you on the way out. Thanks!

  2. Nate says:

    Yep, I’m unsubscribing too. The time has come.

  3. joaoPT says:

    How long till we got the “Fat Pin-Up of the day – Cheeseburguer” series on cage match?

    I would subscribe to that…

  4. NappyHeadedHo says:

    #1 – Understand that getting a baby wedged in your ass crack is not an everyday occurrence. It is about as rare as fracturing your wife’s skull on a boat and blaming it on a stingray. Now this may not be as important event as the man that scammed for free tacos or the hazards of Easter egg shells, but it is up there. Lighten, the fuck, up.

  5. NappyHeadedHo says:

    #3 – AMF!

  6. bobbo says:

    I think this is a very important topic that will appeal to thoughtful people. Those interested in shiny lights, or who don’t have the self control NOT to click on items that don’t interest them, may have their interests tweaked elsewhere?

    Where is the moral outrage that should be displayed here? The woman was fat, FAT I tell you. It was totally foreseeable that she would crush a child someday. As is so often said, “Its not a question of if, only of when!” The FATSO woman should be prosecuted, as should the parents for allowing this plainly fat person around children.

    To make my point–substitute being drunk behind the wheel of a car and crashing into the kid. That is foreseeable and the fact that a drunk driver didn’t specifically intend to crush a kid doesn’t matter, they choose to drink!

    Drink====Eat====whats the difference?

  7. Cinaedh says:

    Morbidly Humorless Bloggers Fail to Crush Blasé Blog Editor

    Film at 11.

  8. So that’s how dinosaurs actually got extinct…

  9. ECA says:

    Crushed SKULL?? One of the hardest parts of the Body.
    What Happened…?
    Someone JUMPED a 2 year old?? That weighed 300 lbs??
    Im sorry, but i DONT think the person had to be OBESE to crack the 2 year olds, HEAD.

  10. ECA says:

    to those folks leaving…
    We could probably Post EVERY tech update in the world here…But HOW BORING do you want??
    Med tech(bloody)
    comp tech(stuff you cant afford)
    Farm tech(crap)
    And so forth..

    But WHY should we be LIKE THE OTHER Forum/Blogs??
    repeating the SAME CRAP, over and over and over.
    MOSt of these blogs are only REPEATS of stuff already posted but other sites, EVEN here..But at LEASt we Mix it up.

    NOW, if any of you FOBs, are directly connected to SOME CORP, and you MIGHT have some insight that WE CAN POST…Go go Cagematch and TELL someone…And we can TRY to get it POSTED. EVEn if you want to be ANON.

  11. McCullough says:

    Funniest God-damned thread all day.

  12. hhopper says:

    Hey all you complaining people…




    (Apologies to Sam Kinison.)

  13. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #7 – Sorry but you’re wrong. I’m running a skin that makes links shiny – I have to click every link on the entire Internet.

  14. HillWilliam says:

    #15 – I know a lot of guys whose skulls are still fusing after receiving wood shampoos from the police department.

  15. bbwgirl69 says:

    I read similar blog on pluscupid.com. To be fair, a thin or average size person might also kill a child if he fell on him. Two year olds aren’t large, and accidents happen. This is a sad story. I feel bad for the child, his parents, and the woman who fell.


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