

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A man who pretended to be a CEO complaining about his fast-food order in a taco scam was sentenced to 30 days in jail after authorities saw the prank in an online video.

Rialto police said it was an easy case to crack because the video, called “How to Scam Del Taco” and posted on YouTube.com, shows Robert Echeverria, 32, calling the restaurant about 50 miles east of Los Angeles on Feb. 19.

In a friendly tone he claims to be a CEO named “Robert Kennedy” who has already spoken to the store’s manager and corporate office about some unwanted sour cream and the lack of a receipt in a previous order.

“I love your guys’ tacos,” he said.

One of his two 18-year-old co-stars is later shown walking into the restaurant and claiming the food. The video ends with the three men feasting and laughing.

How stupid can people get. Do something illegal, post it on YouTube and get caught. DUH!

  1. SamD says:

    So it’s illegal to convince people to give you free food?

  2. KD Martin says:

    What a moran! He should have gone for the $100 bottle of wine and $60 steak at a class, posh place. But NooOOOoooOOOooo.

    I’m tempted to flag down Bubba Ray and get him to award the BRDDA to this guy! If anyone thinks he is a deserving recipient, speak now. Maybe Hop will throw in the UKKMA.

  3. Mister Catshit says:

    This is an excellent example of how prison is not a deterrent to crime. Getting caught was the last thing on their minds.

  4. Cripes! says:

    I agree with SamD. It should be a few bucks off of the manager’s paycheck not a prison sentence. The fat guy is pretty good at social engineering, when only tacos are at stake that’s not much of a crime.

  5. gquaglia says:

    Typical of today’s youth. Everything is a joke. We live in the jackass era.

  6. RBG says:

    3 MC: No, going to prison was the last thing on their minds. It’ll be the first thing next time.

    The internet is still in the Wild West phase. But the marshal will eventually ride into town.


  7. Brian says:

    1-yes, it’s still illegal to steal.

  8. BubbaRay says:

    #2, KD, it’s close, very close. But it doesn’t beat this one (from Snopes):

    Robbers driving get-away taxi

  9. Neal says:

    #1 It is illegal if the “convincing” involves lying and scamming.

  10. SN says:

    A friend of mine used to do this trick all the time back in the 80s and 90s. He wouldn’t pretend to be a CEO, he’d just call up and say he just came thorough the drive-thru with a big order from his work and a couple tacos or burritos were missing. He politely ask if he could come back and get them. They’d politely say “Sure.”

    He didn’t get greedy enough where anyone would be suspicious, just one or two items.

    […and he didn’t post a vid on YouTube. – ed.]

  11. McCullough says:

    Abbie Hoffman was the father of getting free shit. See Steal this Book.


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