Plans showing the layout of a new building for a Canadian Forces counter-terrorism unit based in Trenton, Ont., have been found in a pile of garbage.

The 26 blueprints, stamped with Department of National Defence markings, show everything from the location of the security fence to the floor plan of the new home of the Canadian Joint Incident Response Unit at CFB Trenton.

The unit is the military’s main responder to a terrorist attack using a weapon of mass destruction…

The plans also show the electrical grid scheme for the unit’s computers and details about sewer systems, areas for workshops, sea container loading docks, and offices for the unit’s various troops. There is also a blueprint for the storage bay for the unit’s robots, which are designed to detect chemical and biological agents.

Canadian Homeland Insecurity achieves the approved standard.

  1. MikeN says:

    This is in line with ’24,’ which has had its headquarters bombed, and the Chinese sent in a force to kidnap Jack’s nephew, thru sewers that of course don’t connect to pipes but instead to the basement.

  2. MotaMan says:

    Back to the drawing board

  3. BubbaRay says:

    Maybe we’d be better off subcontracting all our stuff to Canada. /sarcasm

    Wonder whose head(s) will roll over this one? They don’t have shredders or burn bags?

  4. pynchon says:

    Hm. Think those blueprints would fit in Sandy Berger’s socks?

  5. Improbus says:

    Trust us … we’re from the government.

  6. Named says:

    Taking a page out of the CIBC privacy and security handbook I see…

    Remember kids… it’s not HOW they protect such valuable information, it’s what are YOU going to do about it when you’re called into the governments net as an unfavourable…

  7. qsabe says:

    At least the Canadians are allowed to speak the truth. Don’t you wish the American news could do the same.

  8. YeahRight says:

    The canadians must be using our standards for security.

  9. moflaherty says:

    They must be anticipating a democrat in the white house already. Under the dem plan, those people will not molest countries once the US pulls out of everywhere and surrenders.

  10. admfubar says:

    of course they could be a ruse and are planted to be found to mislead.
    nothing like misinformation… Look you guys bought that story??

  11. jbellies says:

    As the Scottish decorators Colin and Justin said on DNTO, Canadians are hunter-gatherers and therefore never throw anything out. All junk ends up in the basement. Therefore the plans are false and simply a ruse to get non-Canadian terrorists to make a doomed assault on the national centre, which couldn’t exist anyway. Bad luck that this subterfuge was undermined by other Canadian hunter-gatherers working their way through the “garbage”.

    #9 – Outsiders do not see much difference between dems and reps. Our reaction to USA politics is often slack-jawed wonder and horror. Much like our reaction to the questions that aren’t answered on fifth-grader.


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