Product? What Product?

  1. JoaoPT says:

    Well, dunno. It’s all greek to me…

  2. Improbus says:

    To quote Paris Hilton, “That’s Hot!”

  3. Miguel says:

    Sounds greek. What I noticed is that this ‘car’ costs almost double that figure here in Portugal… How’s that for government sponsored robbery?

  4. BubbaRay says:

    As my uncle used to say, “Lordy!”

  5. MotaMan says:

    the 4th or 5th time i watched this my eyes finally caught some text scrolling across the bottom, quick and small sized. Lawyers are sneaky fucks.

  6. JoaoPT says:

    Actually this is a parody of that commercial with Zeta-Jones slithering into an Italian car…
    lemme check youtube…
    …here you go:

    gotta love U tube…

  7. Pharaoh90 says:

    Capri pants?

  8. Tommy Lee says:


  9. Cheeze_Head says:

    A Chevrolet Matiz? No? I feel like an idiot. What am I not getting?

  10. Stan says:

    Mentos – The Fresh Maker ?

    Can’t be a car – ain’t no way I can get my fat ass through a window like that.

  11. Nikolas says:

    Yeap it’s a Greek ad.

  12. 888 says:

    Great commercial.
    Hot girl.
    Hopefully not a minor, so I won’t get raided by FBI now…

  13. Mac Guy says:

    All I heard/saw was “meloni!”


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