Woman stuck on toilet for two years – 14 Mar 2008 – Feature: Strange but true — Incredible and weird.

Authorities in the US are trying to establish what caused a 35-year-old woman to sit on her boyfriend’s toilet for so long her skin grafted to the seat.

Kansas woman Pam Babcock had to be prised off the toilet at her boyfriend Kory McFarren’s house after allegedly sitting there for two years. She was only moved when McFarren called 911 on February 27 and told police there was “something wrong” with his girlfriend.

Ness County Sheriff Bryan Whipple told AP there was no indication Babcock had been restrained against her will.
“She was not glued. She was not tied. She was just physically stuck by her body,” Whipple said.

McFarren told police he had asked Babcock every day to please come out of the bathroom, but her reply was always: “Maybe tomorrow.”

  1. sadtruth says:

    fat people.

  2. the answer says:

    That must have been some horrible diarrhea. I’d call if she was on there over a week. Hey man my girl’s been dropping duces for a week. I think something is wrong.

  3. Usagi says:

    If she was on the hopper, where did he go?

  4. gamermasterman says:

    @3, He kept asking her to come out, and she would always say “Maybe tomorrow.”

  5. wildsolution says:

    Gives a whole new meaning to the term “squatters” ….

  6. GigG says:

    #1 Where does it say she was fat?

  7. sadtruth says:

    # 6 The toilet seat FUSED to her ass!!! Come on!!

  8. JamesB says:

    #2 – You’d wait a week? I think a couple of hours in I’d bust the door down. 2 frickin years???? WTF????

  9. SparkyOne says:

    Guess I can no longer bitch about my wife taking too long in the can.

  10. apeguero says:

    Only in America.

  11. McCullough says:

    Similar to the story of woman who grew into her couch after 6 years.


    and died when they tried to remove her.

  12. Dallas says:

    If I had to be stuck somewhere, that would be the place I’d choose.

  13. Jenny says:

    My husband told me about this. It’s so insane. Apparently they had a normal relationship. How that’s possible I’ll never know.

  14. Ubiquitous Talking Head says:

    She obviously has a serious mental illness. This is not funny and he should have called for help after she wouldn’t come out of the bathroom in two days.

    They were both mentally handicapped.

    And no, it’s not the least bit funny.

  15. Jetfire says:

    For you all say he should have done something soon. Tell me what she did wrong? What can the cops do? She wasn’t hurting someone or herself. Would you force someone on a plane if the they were afraid to fly?

    He said this got worst over time and knew her for 16 years. So I take she came out before. So he figure she would come out when she was ready why force her.

    #1&6 That doesn’t mean she was fat. She got open sores from sitting there to lone and the healed to the she. Weight has nothing to do with that.

  16. JamesB says:

    #17 – are you FRIGGIN kidding me? “Tell me what she did wrong”??? “She wasn’t hurting someone or HERSELF”????? She was STUCK to the TOILET!! How is that not hurting herself?? As for the similarity to forcing someone onto a plane, there is no similarity! Someone can bus, drive, hell – take a balloon if they really want to travel across country… but you know, maybe, just maybe, you should get off the can some day!

  17. Rick says:


  18. MaTa says:

    She WASN’T fat – in fact, quite the opposite and “very petite”.

    Might want to actually read about the incident before rushing to obligatory fat-chicks-hater mode .. . .

    “Whipple was the second law enforcement officer to respond to the mobile home where McFarren and Babcock were living. Whipple, who described Babcock as a “thin, petite woman,” used a pry bar to take the seat off the toilet so the woman could be transported to the hospital where the seat was removed.”


  19. ibdense says:

    Nobody sees the irony in Mister, er ah Sheriff Whipple reporting this?

  20. Sandi says:

    LMAO!!! I was wondering too if any had put two and two together! It is a sad, sad story but the fact that the responding officer’s name was Officer Whipple “Mr. Whipple”, “Don’t squeeze the charmain!”, I couldn’t help but giggle at that part. I do appologize for that. I hope things work out for the best for Pam and Kory.


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