Vista SP1 Consumer Rollout Coming Tomorrow – DailyTech
Microsofts long-awaited service pack for Windows Vista is reported to be heading to consumers tomorrow. The RTM version of Windows Vista Service Pack 1 SP1 was first released to testers in early February after a lengthy gestation period.


  1. sweb says:

    Microsoft should understand that service pack 3 for XP is what people are actually waiting for.

  2. Improbus says:


  3. Breetai says:

    Considering the disappointment Vista has been so far anyone actually plan on bothering to try this?

  4. Dallas says:

    They need a service pack to convert Vista to XP.

  5. Andy says:

    Link to early release of Vista SP1:

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I’ve got Vista running on an extra system that doesn’t do anything important, and I’ll update asap. But the fun part is watching the support boards for people who upgrade important systems without testing, first. Morans.

  7. tcc3 says:

    XP? Ubuntu? Pfft! Snotnosed new comers.

    IBSYS is the way to go.

  8. Fabrizio Marana says:

    Here’s the download link where it will become available tomorrow:
    Vista SP1



  9. raddad says:

    Too late for me. I recently bought a laptop with Vista pre-installed and after numerous problems including frequent blue screens I reformatted and installed XP. After rounding up all the drivers I needed everything is now fine and it runs faster, too. For those Linux fans, I would have installed Ubuntu, but all the tools I use are Windows programs. Maybe I’ll try a dual-boot with Ubuntu to get some experience with it.

  10. J says:

    Considering Vista 64 has been running fine for me(as good or better than XP) on 5 different machines I probaly won’t download SP1 until I hear if it is stable.

    My guess is that most people either have crap hardware or are having user malfunction.

  11. andy says:


    format c:

  12. Breetai says:


    The latest Ubuntu 7.10 is easier to install than windows now IMO. But your right about the windows programs it’s definitely the weak link but I’m getting the feeling the open source community wants to keep it that way and avoid the corporate world.

  13. Jimbo says:

    Too bad and too late. I just returned a VISTA laptop… and bought an XP Pro instead… I hope it will improve a thing or two…

  14. floyd says:

    Got Vista Home Premium. All problems have been with drivers from non-Microsoft hardware suppliers. Intel drivers for WiFi and Ethernet, and an HP printer driver were the problems. HP fixed their problem quickly. Intel sneaked their fix into Windows Update, but didn’t notify me (and presumably others) that it was there.

  15. Micromike says:

    I have had many problems with old software and old hardware both. Vista was an upgrade from XP on one of my laptops and it has lost entire files as well as lost the default printer (later there was a patch for this). When I say lost I mean they disappear and you (I) can’t find any remnants of their existence, like folders or drivers or files etc. I have never had another operating system just lose a file or printer, such that no search can find it even in deleted files. I really don’t like it and hope the service pack helps make it work better.

    I like the search feature and it is mostly stable with software and hardware it likes. It is a resource hog and slow performer so Harley drivers should love it, and you should have a very powerful computer. As always, compatibility mode is a complete sham and won’t help your old programs work. If you depend on any program, or hardware, older than Vista don’t upgrade, and don’t ever sell your old hardware. That is my best advice.

  16. Greg Allen says:

    I’ll ask this again:

    Why should I upgrade to Vista?

    I have one computer with it loaded and I can’t see what Vista does that XP doesn’t. Any differences seem to be cosmetic.

    Answers, anyone?

  17. J says:

    # 13 pedro

    If Vista is crap why then do I have 5 machines running it with zero problems? I also have many associates that have entire studios that are running it with out anything more than the occasional driver for an old film processor or some other outdated piece of hardware. Back in the day I used to do tech support for IBM. and yes pedro 90% of the time it was the USER that was the problem not the hardware and not the software.

    I think a big issue is people upgrading rather than installing a fresh copy. I have NEVER “upgraded” an OS in my life. That is just a dumb way to do it and I am surprised they even allow it. If the upgrade doesn’t allow me to install fresh then I get a full version.

    # 15 floyd

    I had no driver issues but I don’t own equipment that is more than a year and a half old.

    # 12 Breetai

    While I agree Ubuntu is easy to install I couldn’t disagree more about Vista. Vista is as easy as it could possibly get. By far the easiest Windows ever.

    # 17 Greg Allen

    “Why should I upgrade to Vista?”

    I speak only for Vista 64 Ultimate. Memory access is the biggest one. 32 bit apps can have a full 4 gig to themselves. I don’t know if that is true with all 32 Apps but it is defiantly true with the entire Adobe CS3 Production Suite. In XP you can have 2 or 4 if you use the 3 gig switch. If you use that then I think you only have 1 gig for the OS. In Vista 64 Ultimate you get as much of the left over RAM as you want for the OS. The extra ram really helps some apps perform better because they won’t disk swap as much.

    For those that run them (myself) 64 bit apps that is the biggest reason. They have pretty much unlimited RAM availability. This really helps with and CAD or Film production work.

    Granted Vista may only really benefit those on the cutting edge of hardware and software but at some point software will become more complicated and start to need the memory and need the power.

    Areo is pretty cool but certainly not worth an upgrade.

  18. gregallen says:

    Thanks, J.

    That’s helpful. I’m not doing any video editing now but will likely do it again in the future.

  19. J says:

    # 19 gregallen

    NP I am sure there is more but thats all I can think of right now.

    Just in case you are an Avid guy. Avid is not yet supporting Vista.

    It does run and runs well but they don’t support it.

  20. J says:

    correction in post #18

    It should have said 2 or 3 not 2 or 4.

  21. J says:

    # 22 pedro

    “#18 nice to see that I’m so right about you. ”

    No pedro you are never right about anything. I thought you knew that.

    “If someone else is having issues with vista, it’s because they’re retards.”

    No It is because they are retards OR running crap hardware.

    “That never stopped me from adding myself to the choir of people saying it was a turd.”

    The fact that you compare Vista and Me shows that you have no idea what you are talking about. I think it is evidence that you are a liar and have never run Me.

    With all your hate for Microsoft and Apple you must be a Linux User. I can’t bash you for that because I run that too. As a matter of fact I run all of them XP, XP 64, Vista 64, Ubuntu, Red Hat, Irix, OSX. To name a few. Some are being phased out like XP, XP 64 and Irix.

    “The fact that you don’t have any problem just makes you lucky.”

    No luck would be one or two machines. My 5 in addition to 3 production studios with excess of 100 machines makes it evidence that Vista is fine and that most people just have crap equipment or are just naysayers that have never run it,

    “Or just a mediocre computer user who only uses his vista computer to surf with IE and uses MS office.”

    LOL that is the funniest thing I have ever heard. pedro I own software and hardware you could only dream of owning. I probably have spent more on one piece of software than you have spent on your entire hardware setup. The list of software I own and have installed on my machines would take 10 pages of my dual 30 inch 2560 x 1600 monitors driven by my Nvidia Model S4 Quadro plex. I push around more information in a split second than you do in an entire day. I say that not to brag but as an example of how mediocre of a computer user I and my employees are. So I guess your assessment was right we are just mediocre

    “Go out and live a little.”

    Trust me. I live just fine.

    “#20 what an experienced guy. Good for that, in the middle of your vista64 ectasy, you remembered that there are software that doesn’t yet support it. What a reliable source of info.”

    Here is an example of why you are stupid. Just because the COMPANY doesn’t support it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t work. The company doesn’t don’t support it because they don’t think it is financially viable to answer questions about it at this point.

    I have an Avid DNxHD system running on Vista 64 Ultimate right now and guess what? NOT ONE SINGLE PROBLEM!!!!!! As a matter of fact I bet you have seen the results on your own television screen. You know, because it seems as if you have received your education from TV and watch it non stop.

    Mediocre computer user. LOL You are such a stupid dolt pedro. Why don’t you go somewhere else and play with your Crayons.

  22. J says:

    Hey pedro! I see they found a picture of you for the article “Appendix removed via mouth” The picture of the guy who has his head up his ass.


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