
The story began in early November when Bertha Silva Martinez and her husband, Donald Martinez, were leaving for the funeral of his uncle, Dennis Garcia. She suddenly felt dizzy and told her husband to go without her.

Bertha Martinez said she sat down in a chair near the front door and began to count the trees in her yard. When she got to one of the crabapple trees she had planted there 25 years earlier, she focused on what looked like the image of a veiled woman, formed by peeling bark on one of the tree’s three main branches…

Martinez recalled how images of Jesus appeared on a plastered wall of an abandoned building in Holman, N.M., near Mora, in 1975, and in a freshly grilled tortilla in Lake Arthur, N.M., near Roswell, in 1977. She said she even went to Holman 33 years ago to see the image, but couldn’t make it out.

Roman Catholic faithful have been drawn to scenes of such sightings in other parts of the country, as well. The Virgin Mary’s image has been spotted in clouds over Lubbock, Texas, in 1988; in the window of a new building in Clearwater, Fla., in 1997; in a stain on a concrete wall of an expressway underpass in Chicago in 2005; in the cut surface of a tree branch in Cleveland in 2006 and in a pizza pan in Houston only last year.

I hope you didn’t miss out on any of these divine happenings.

  1. morram says:

    So if we all focused on the peeling bark of one of the tree’s three main branches we can see what looks like the image of a veiled woman with her legs spread open… or as many of the mexicans working in the orchard say “look at the big horse pussy”

  2. becagle says:

    Ya’ and I think there was a elephant in my fridge last night, because I found his foot prints in the butter….

  3. julieb says:

    Behold the awesome power of god!

    Any god who can create tree rot that vaguely resembles someone of unknown appearance is deserving of our full attention and a complete suspension of reason.

  4. BubbaRay says:

    It’s a good thing all the leprechauns got the Pope’s email about moving St. Patrick’s Day to today. I didn’t see a single leprechaun yesterday.

  5. Matt Garrett says:

    Or for the religiously bigoted, apparently.

  6. Mister Catshit says:

    #6, Matt,

    When a group who believe in supreme beings decide to start seeing even wackier shit, it ain’t bigotry. It is the simple truth.

    Unless, you have some proof there really is a god, … .

  7. Dallas says:

    I think it looks a lot like a corn flake.

  8. MotaMan says:

    these things are often called wood pussies

  9. gregallen says:

    I saw the “private bits” first, too.

  10. floyd says:

    Been there–if you blink you’ll miss El Rito NM. There’s just not much to do in this little town obviously, so miracles in a tree trunk are at least something to do.

  11. Lisa says:

    I just researched ” The wonder of Holman, New Mexico” L.Pino- A.Dodge- A. Sandoval 1975.
    I saw this phenomenon too. Is still have the flyer with an artists drawing of the image on it.
    St. Gertrude the Great Roman Catholic Church has the info on this wonder. They just told me today October 16th, 2008, that it still exists. And On cloudy days, you can still see the image of Jesus holding the lamb giving the sign of peace to the world with His right hand and a small cross on His left side.
    the old convent is closed..but they still have mass there 2 times per year.
    So this one is real.

  12. Patrick says:

    Lisa, I saw it too! I was 10 years old at the time. I recently returned to the site and realized others may have seen something different, but what I saw was undeniable. When is mass held?


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