That’s the tornado heading into downtown Atlanta – smack in the center.

Thanks, K B

  1. dlbeard says:

    Must’ve been CNN’s news coverage that brought God’s wrath upon Atlanta. 😉
    Seriously, this is a great photo. It is a reminder of just how insignificant we all are and yet how important each life is. Ponder on that oxymoron for a while.

  2. mikemagoo says:

    Friday night and Saturday were pretty crazy here in Atlanta. It’s unbelievable to see see the damage, particular to downtown.

  3. Improbus says:

    AWESOME! So, does this break the drought?

  4. Eideard says:

    Current La Niña predictions extend into the beginning of summer at a minimum. If you’re in a drought, it probably will continue.

  5. GetSmart says:

    Thousands were disappointed that it missed the Capitol building.

  6. Professor Johnnycakes says:

    And the Weather Channel was showing mountain biking in Moab while this was going on… isn’t the Weather Channel based in Atlanta?!?! Shame shame

  7. Phillep says:

    Where is it in the photo? The light colored clouds in the center, the clouds on the left by the tower with a bright and pointy top, or that weird cloud structure to the right of the photo?

    I’ve never seen anything like what’s to the right before.

  8. Mister Catshit says:

    I’ve never seen a tornado up close and personal. After seeing the damage though, I’m not so sure I want to either.

  9. pat says:

    I saw one hit a small airport about 1/4 mile from where I was sitting. It was pretty frightening. When this one hit downtown they said it was only an F1. Hate to see a 3 or 4 hit there.

  10. DaveW says:

    Too bad they don’t name tornadoes. This one should be named William T. Sherman!

  11. moss says:

    #9 – spend a hot, muggy summer in Amarillo or Lubbock, sometime.

    Although, cripes, I can’t think of a reason other than tornadoes, up close and personal, to do so.

  12. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    I found out after the fact that I was right under a tornado once – couldn’t see a thing, just a shitload of rain and hail.

    One of my goals is take my own picture of one sometime. Unfortunately, just having my camera handy seems to mean I’m completely safe from one coming close enough to see.

  13. Wayne Brasler says:

    This is a gorgeous photo and highly unusual and tricky. What appears to be a funnel trailing off on the right is a tail cloud. The boiling mass of clouds in the middle is not the tornado–though it looks like it could be a tornado. The tornado is on the right, a dark tube with debris boiling upwards. It took the experts hours to figure out this fabulous photo. I live in Chicago but love Atlanta and certainly downtown Atlanta (is Aunt Pitty Pat’s still there). I’m happy it survived and the particularly Ted’s Montana Grill.

  14. Photoshop!! says:

    The tornado hit at 9:45 PM. What’s that bright thing in the sky? THE SUN.

    The photographer was on Howell Mill Road, which is either due West or slightly Northwest of that position. The radio tower is at 10th street near the highway, the pointy building on the left is at 14th street. The building with the reddish sign in the coke building at north ave…..

    So if you’re facing due east at 9:45PM, what’s that bright spot near the radio tower? A UFO?

  15. photoshop's wrong says:

    it’s said that he was trying to capture lightning bolt pictures… so assumming that’s correct, that would be a lightning bolt… have you never seen a bolt of lightning fill the sky with light before? (and yes it does happen in that manner). what he caught was a cloud to cloud bolt (hence the reason it was in the sky only).

  16. Dianne says:

    Most glorious photo of a tornado ever! And to think we were on a Delta flight coming in from Boston at this time! The pilot mentioned, there’s a storm centered in Marietta with a radius of about 20 miles. I guess if we knew it was a tornado, maybe someone would panic.


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