Amanda Rouse

Associated Press – March 15, 2008:

A 15-year-old girl who stopped her out-of-control school bus was hit with a Saturday detention because she was supposed to be in class when the accident happened.

Marina High School student Amanda Rouse was on a bus with 40 elementary school students Wednesday morning when the driver fell out of her seat after a turn and hit her head.

Rouse jumped up and applied the brakes, bringing the bus to a halt after striking two parked cars. No one was injured.

But Rouse said she was punished because she wasn’t supposed to be on the bus in the first place.

“But I can’t help but believe that she was where God wanted her to be” said Rouse’s grandmother, Sally Correll.

Here’s a link to the school’s website.

  1. McCullough says:

    Ridiculous, and how can the bus driver fall out of the seat. At least the driver should have a seat belt.

  2. bobbo says:

    So==whats the issue here? SN–you like to be sublte, so I looked extra hard for underlines and other cryptic clues. I see the quotations==is that the base from which my imagination is supposed to take flight?

    Of course she should get the standard punishment for cutting class AND she should get the standard reward for stopping a free wheeling bus. I suppose that is a few days in detention offset by Gods favor? OTOH–I suppose she could have done nothing on the bus and have been injured herself in a crash?

    Too close to call.

  3. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I think this girl has been let off pretty easy. After all, they could have cited her for driving without a license when she jumped into the driver’s seat 😉

  4. digitalstrudel says:

    Luckily there were school administrators available to deal with her outrageous actions. And who knows what details may have been left out of the story. Obviously a troublemaker, the girl may well have been completely out of control, comforting the children and perhaps even the injured bus driver. Lacking proper guidance, she might well graduate to hugging.

  5. becagle says:

    No good deed goes unpunished.

  6. Chris Mac says:

    #3 ya.. let’s send her to juvi, where she can learn to be a real crack ho.. and hence serve the community

  7. Mister Catshit says:

    C’mon sheeple. There has to be more to the story than we are being told. But don’t let the facts get in your way.

    Drivers don’t just “fall out of their seat”. As far as I am aware, every State requires the driver to be seat belted in so that they will remain in control in case something does happen. Well, except for Florida, they do things different there.

    The student didn’t get off the bus, she was playing hooky. Her school had a procedure and instead of following the procedure, decided on her own not to go to school. She got caught and the punishment is a Saturday detention. The driver will probably lose her job.

  8. marty0577 says:

    I got an idea! Next time she wont be there, and the bus runs off a cliff and all of the kids die, good.

  9. JimR says:

    “But I can’t help but believe that she was where God wanted her to be”

    If you believe that then,
    God is responsible for the girl’s tardiness and it follows that God knew the driver was going to fall out of her seat but didn’t want HER to be somewhere else, so God was insensitive, and negligent in preventing the accident, and therefore God is also responsible for damaging the 2 cars as well.

    What an asshole.

  10. SomeTechGuy says:

    Tell me something #9. Do you pretend to know everything that everyone else thinks – including God – or do you take satisfaction is judging situations based on incomplete opinions?

  11. Mister Catshit says:

    #10, Techguy,

    Are you suggesting “god” did try to save them?

  12. Clive says:

    She should have been punished for what she did wrong and praised for saving the children. What’s the penalty, a day in detention? Then throw the girl a party and buy her some presents.

  13. JimR says:

    “Tell me something #9. Do you pretend to know everything that everyone else thinks – including God – or do you take satisfaction is judging situations based on incomplete opinions?”

    Of course not SomeTechGuy. I only pretend know what God is thinking… or rather what he’s not thinking which is the same thing since a mythical character can’t really think.

    … and of course it’s satisfying judging situations based on incomplete opinions! This is a blog man. That’s what we do.

  14. Hmeyers says:

    “God” “wanted” her to be there. But “God” also wanted her to be suspended and whine about being suspended.

    Who I am to argue with God?

  15. OvenMaster says:

    Jeez, no wonder people don’t want to get involved. You’ll get punished or sued for being a hero or Good Samaritan. Only in the litigious GOUSA!

  16. jescott418 says:

    It’s like I have always said. If I commit a crime I certainly do not want a jury to decide my fate. Nobody seems to be able to weigh in all the facts anymore. I understand that truency is a big problem in many schools. If this girl was a repeat offender then maybe her punishment should stand. But she should also be praised for her actions in preventing a accident.

  17. Jarmbruster says:

    Whoa! Where in that article did it say she was playing hookey? When I was in school, if you missed your bus and mom or dad couldn’t take you to school, you were expected to ride the little kid bus to school or risk being in trouble. Suppose THAT’S really why she was on the bus. If she was playing hookey as you all seem to believe, then why on earth would she of been on the elementary bus going to school in the first place? Anyone really read that story and think it through. I agree..I think God put her there for a reason. Made her get up late, miss her bus and have to go to school on the elementary bus to save those kids. People should be grateful to her, not punishing her and talking like idiots.

  18. Jarmbruster says:

    Whoa! Where in that article did it say she was playing hookey? When I was in school, if you missed your bus and mom or dad couldn’t take you to school, you were expected to ride the little kid bus to school or risk being in trouble. Suppose THAT’S really why she was on the bus. If she was playing hookey as you all seem to believe, then why on earth would she of been on the elementary bus going to school in the first place? If I was to play hookey, it wouldnt be on the bus to school with the little kids. It would be out somewhere or at home. Anyone really read that story and think it through. I agree..I think God put her there for a reason. Made her get up late, miss her bus and have to go to school on the elementary bus to save those kids. People should be grateful to her, not punishing her and talking like idiots.

  19. correll46 says:

    I am Amanda’s grandmother. We are all very proud of her. I have to agree with Bob though. Amanda did break the rules and she is taking responsibility for it and wants to serve Saturday school. Amanda feels it wouldn’t be fair to the other students that get Saturday school for the same reason. Mr. Livermore is an awesome principle!!! He didn’t give her Saturday school. That was the assistant principle. She will also be getting recognition from the district. Thanks to all of you for caring!


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