Politically Correct Racism

  1. MotaMan says:

    Proper German to english translation:


  2. Eric says:


  3. Tippis says:

    …and I thought multiculturalism was the PC version of racism.

  4. jccalhoun hates the spam filter says:

    No one who speaks German can be an evil man! Parole Granted!

  5. joaoPT says:

    Oh… So Cute…

  6. Greg Allen says:

    What a bunch of a-words.

  7. ZenFool says:

    LoL..that is fantastic

  8. JPV says:

    What a bunch of morans…

  9. Winston Smith says:

    I guess it’s progress, sort of.

  10. Mister Catshit says:

    Ok, so they are making an effort to be nice. Probably so they don’t get beat up by all the blacks just out of camera range. But what the eff are the syringes on the sign for?

  11. kanjy says:

    #2 & #8– Only morons misspell “morons”.

    [‘Moran’ is an inside joke on DU. – ed.]

  12. Dude says:

    #11 – Only Mormons mispell “Mormons”.

  13. Ho-Lip Tex says:

    #13 – Only a mormanic momon would misspell “spelt” and “instead”.

    What a dubmass!

  14. Dallas says:

    I hope this sets a good example for the republican gay bashers when they crash our gay parade this summer.

    From “Die fucking faggot” to “Die fucking gay person”

  15. Jari T says:


  16. QB says:

    Dallas, as a Canadian I have to say: “What dreadfully manners they have.”

  17. Dallas says:

    #17. When I do my routine gay parade thing in the fall (by the way, with both parents, brother and friends) , I’ll take my trusty video camera that Dvorak recommended and youtube a few clips.

    They congregate across the street from the parade where the cops allow them to be (incidentally, it’s a church lot). It’s funny because one year, I saw signs that said die, aids, immoral..blah blah and right in there was the “we love the sinner, we pray for you, blah blah”.
    You would think they would agree on a common message.

  18. supergirl says:

    –Mister Catshit said, on March 14th, 2008 at 7:40 pm Ok, so they are making an effort to be nice. Probably so they don’t get beat up by all the blacks just out of camera range. But what the eff are the syringes on the sign for?–

    lmao exactly what i was thinking

  19. QB says:

    Don’t let the bastards get you down Dallas. And make sure you have fun despite their pettiness.

  20. Mister Catshit says:


    I thought about praying for you. The hitch was I would need to start “believing” that some superior being (aka god) did a piss poor job of creating you in the first place. I’m sure you are happy being who you are. So if you don’t mind, I’ll save converting myself.


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