What idiots keep sending us SPAM?

OK..here is a way to make (lose) an easy 20 bucks. How is the transmission guaranteed? And what if it’s sent to aliens looking for food?!


TalkToAliens.com” Unveils “E-Mail to Aliens” — The World’s First
Public Service for Sending E-Mails into Deep Space

Hartford, CT (PRWEB) March 22, 2005 — www.TalkToAliens.com, the world’s first “Intergalactic Communication System”, has announced that its new “E-Mail to Aliens” service is now available for the public, worldwide.

A user simply visits www.TalkToAliens.com and selects the “E-Mail to Space” option. The user then writes a message up to 1,000 words in length. The service’s transmitter then broadcasts the text into deep space.

In addition to sending the message into space, the user will also receive a free “Certificate of Interstellar Broadcast” — a frameable certificate that indicates the date and time of the broadcast, as well as the first 500 characters of the message sent.

According to www.TalkToAliens.com, the free “Certificate of Interstellar Broadcast” is the “perfect gift for your favorite astronomy lover, space fan, or science-fiction enthusiast.” The service costs just $19.95, and includes the free message confirmation Certificate.

The www.TalkToAliens.com service receives in excess of 5,000 Web visitors per day, from nearly 50 countries around the globe. Messages are transmitted into space via the organization’s custom-developed and proprietary transmission system. The system was designed by RF and broadcast engineers with over 75 years of combined experience in terrestrial and satellite communications.

The project has been in development for over five years — since January 2000.

The transmission signal, itself, is a frequency-modulated carrier operating at 2.43211 GHz. This frequency was chosen as it is in an RF band commonly used on earth. As stated on www.TalkToAliens.com: “If any intergalactic entity is already ‘listening in’ on earth happenings, they should be aware of this portion of the RF spectrum” — and provide the best chance for the messages being received.

Where, in space, are the messages being sent? According to www.TalkToAliens.com, the system’s parabolic dish antenna is pointed into the area of space with the highest density of regional stars and, thus, hopefully towards planets and other civilizations. That region is commonly referred to as the “Milky Way” — the galaxy in which our own solar system resides. As the sky appears to turn over the earth, the parabolic antenna sweeps through much of the Milky Way Galaxy — and its estimated 400 billion stars.

For the latest news and information, please visit www.TalkToAliens.com.

via L. Ulanoff

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