– Entertainment – David Spade Sports Fake Penis As A Nose On ‘SNL’ — Proof that nobody watches SNL anymore!

NEW YORK — No one seemed to notice, but David Spade was wearing a fake penis on his nose during a sketch on “Saturday Night Live” a week ago.

Photo here

  1. Steve Adams says:

    After the famous male-genitalia-like-noses of both Joe Camel and Bill Clinton? No wonder nobody noticed!

  2. Anonymous says:

    I haven’t intentionally watched that show in maybe 6 years and the last time I remember seeing it was the social security lock box thing with Gore in 2000.

    What a shame that SNL used to be a “must-see” back 15 years ago and now has sunk so low. MadTV is much, much better.

  3. LucklessPedestrian says:

    Honestly, the only thing keeping SNL together for the last 10 years has been one anchor actor, and it is usually the one willing to take on the yickey roles (think Will Farrel, Amy Pohler, Chris Farley, Chris Katan, etc.). Mad TV eats SNL’s lunch, and the only bad thing about MadTV is that it doesn’t go on for another half hour.

  4. Ima Fish says:

    The problem with SNL is that the show is TOO long. It’s an hour and a half. Thus they are forced to stretch their skits too long. They repeat skits over and over again. They have too many commericals. And they have too much filler.

    If I ran NBC I’d cut SNL down to an hour, maybe even down to a half hour.

  5. christine davis says:

    I think that no body noticed because things like that a common on comedy shows. It`s a mockery. SNL isn`t the same as it was 10 years ago, then it was all comedy and fun, not its politics and stupid stuff. We need the funny back, thats why we watch.


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