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Associated Press – March 6, 2008:
The more free time she has, the more time she has for sex. Humm…
Hubbies get more sex? With whom?
#2 Other whipped “hubbies”
Not in my household
gosh darnit all to heck – correlation does not imply causation. perhaps the hubbies and the wife-ies have a more intimate relationship and that’s why he wants to help more with the house work and why they have more sex. or come up with your own alternative theory.
stupid correlation.
On a side note…. that graphic sure looks ‘odd’
#7. Doesn’t that face belong to Steve Jobs?
When the Mac fanbois stop fapping they’ll confirm it for ya!
i do the laundry, the cooking, take out the garbage, the vacuuming, make the bed, clean the bathroom and the kitchen, clean up after the rabbits, plus i pay for her shiny new car. this basically leaves only one task for the wife to take care of, doing the dishes. according this article my wife should have handcuffed to the bed and doing things you typically have to a pay a hooker extra for. to top it off i even get stuck doing the work when it comes to bedroom activities.
but honestly i absolutely love my wife and actually the reason that i do all the chores is because i actually enjoy cleaning (ocd) and i h ave a regular schedule with weekends free while hers changes from week to week including having to work weekends. so really it makes sense that i handle the housework.
sorry that should read “wife should have ME handcuffed to the bed”
#11 but no changes with the (ocd) thing?
i’m too busy “working late at the office” to do housework.
>> gosh darnit all to heck – correlation does not imply causation.
But it’s not ruled out either.
It’d postulate that marriages with shared chores have happier wives. Happier wives are more like to want sex.
7 & 8 – The picture has been changed.
Or is it that men who get more sex do more housework? Think about it…
If you’re having sex while doing the house chores then there is a direct correlation. Also shared duties.
I’ve been married 13 years and it doesn’t matter whether I do house work or not, I still only get it about twice a month… on average. Pathetic I know.