We’ve done numerous stories over the years about how easy it is to rig a Diebold voting machine. But this is plain, old, low-tech fraud.

Investigation Launched Into Vote Stealing

Voters reported being turned away from the polls, prompting a criminal investigation into vote stealing, Local 2 Investigates reported Tuesday.

The Harris County District Attorney’s Office confirmed it is contacting the victims, all centered around Precinct 219 in southeast Houston.

“I feel really hurt,” said Garland Boone, a voter in the Third Ward neighborhood off Yellowstone, where the scam was reported.

He said his neighbors who are victims “don’t have a chance to express their vote. Everybody needs to express their own vote.”

Precinct Judge Edna Russell told Local 2 Investigates that some senior citizen voters had to be turned away because absentee ballots had already been mailed in using their names.

“Somebody had already voted for me,” said Georgia Ireland.

And in a vaguely related story, McCain says if elected he won’t delve into all the corruption charges leveled against Bush & Co. How forgiving of him.

  1. Dallas says:

    That is very clever of McCain to do a preemptive pardon of Bush for crimes against humanity.

    However, that may not prevent the world court, interpol and other agencies to snatch him from his castle in Wacko,Tx to face charges.

    Either way, this is great strategy by McCain to win over the far right.

  2. jbenson2 says:

    The article says: some senior citizen voters had to be turned away because absentee ballots had already been mailed in using their names.

    Can you say Alzheimer’s?

  3. JPV says:

    Voting is for morons anyway.

  4. Justin PA says:

    This is terrible but not unsurprising.

    As for any pardons… I highly doubt the Democrats will be seeking criminal charges against Bush either. They have control of the congress and yet they don’t do anything about it now. I don’t see how this will change in the future.

  5. Cinaedh says:

    I guess corruption is in the eye of the beholder and when you get older, you don’t see so good anymore.

  6. MikeN says:

    Clintons involved in vote fraud? I don’t believe it!

  7. Greg Allen says:

    It is ABSOLUTELY essential that we end the “win by any means” selective disenfranchisement strategy of the GOP.

    Faith in a fair vote is the bedrock of democracy.

    PS: In the unlikely case that these were Democrats, I’ll say the same thing.

    In the more-likely case that this was an honest screw-up — that’s an issue with me too. We need to spend whatever it takes to have near-perfect elections.

  8. Bill says:

    I think the people who were caught up in this scam have the right to “see who they voted for”. That could be very interesting information.

  9. Bob says:

    #1, interpol will do no such thing. Its one thing to grab a former leader of some piss ant little country, but for the most part, you just don’t do it to a country that has 10 times the military power of its closest rival.

    You may not like bush, and a large part of the country may not like Bush, but if you want to find something to unite both isle of the country, let some other nation grab a former leader who was rightfully elected (and yes, he was rightfully elected despite your little liberal fantasy that he was not). I would guess you would have about 48 hours before all seven of the US aircraft carriers are parked off your coast.

    If the libs win office, they will also not prosecute Bush (again if you think they will, you are in a fantasy land). Why? Because the party in power only lasts so long. They libs may when the next election, but what of the one after that? If they start throwing the people they defeat in jail it would only cause retaliation 4 years later if they don’t win the election. Is that really the type of one upmanship that you want to create?

  10. Mister Catshit says:

    While Bush may not be prosecuted for treason, he will probably end up being charged with something minor like not saving all the White House emails. He’ll pay a fine and life will go on.

    I think it is very probable that some White House aids such as Gonzales, Miers, and Bolton will be prosecuted for Contempt of Congress.

    Cheney will have to do some fancy footwork to avoid a deep investigation and possible serious charges. He doesn’t have enough clout outside the administration to save his bacon.

    There will be serious investigations and most likely criminal charges over Haliburton.

  11. DaveW says:

    Throw Bush et al in jail? Way too good for them. As for Bush and Dick, burning at the stake is too good for them!

    But I think the next administration should focus on the current problems. There are plenty of them, and they are monumental. There’s no point in picking up dog poop after it stops stinking.

  12. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #11 – Bush’s poop is going to stink for a very, very long time. There are still enough followers to keep it fresh for a lifetime. Right MikeN?

  13. patrick says:

    Prediction: Bush pardons all concerned before he leaves office and nothing happens to him either. Taking action on this one. 2-1 odds.

  14. Phillep says:

    Why did Clinton leave Hsu off his pardon list?

  15. ECA says:

    When is the UN, Europe, britain, going to MARCH into the USA and FORCE a TRUE democratic election??

    We/USA do it to OTHER NATIONS…When will ANYONE force it ON TO US??

  16. patrick says:

    #15 – As far as I can see there are democratic elections here. How’d the dems take congress?

    Sorry for injecting fact into the discussion. I know it can short out the tin foil hat.

  17. ECA says:

    And Where were the OTHERs that were running..
    the DEM’s have their caucus and the REPS have theirs…
    There are about 36 others running, WHO dont get in, and WONT be allowed in.

  18. Mister Catshit says:

    #12, TML,

    That was good. I like to give him grief, but that was better than anything I’ve thrown at him.


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