She may be Germany’s most prominent woman, but Chancellor Angela Merkel found Vodafone’s new image search software could not identify her.

“I am not in the database,” Merkel said when testing Vodafone’s Otello, a search engine that uses images instead of words, at the CeBIT technology trade fair in Hanover.

“That’s a major gap — please update,” Merkel quipped.

Not exactly ready for prime time.

  1. tcc3 says:

    Its a gimmick anyway. Doesnt it have to be a special image or on specially coded paper? This is only a step above the fad from a few years ago with the black and white icons that link to internet data – glorified barcodes.

    When it can identify images – any image – on the fly, then the Chancellor can get pissy. Right now im sure it just works with Tmobile ads.

  2. dfred says:

    Since when a head of a government is suppose to tell people or businesses to display their pictures….

  3. eyeofthetiger says:

    Haha, someone has the posture of an East German sidewalk.

  4. AdmFubar says:

    wow those germans have come a long way….. whooda thunk they’d be as sucessfull at a demo as bill gates was for showing off 98!!!
    congrats guys and gals!!!


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