Cursor on icon makes it grow


The excellent Google-X interface designed to have the feel of a Mac using a normal browser. This thing crops up and remains online until the Apple legal watchdogs (it’s thought) clamp down. It was originally pulled and now is on this pirate site. Still works.

via J. Dermitt

original story about Google-X here.

  1. Miguel Lopes says:

    This is SO cool! Google should USE it!!!!

  2. The search war is heating up. Personally I like Clusty, even though there is no pseudo Apple look or feel or other coolness factoring in play. I just want to find stuff, not play with icons or look at screen spam. The tabs in Firefox and Clusty work for me. The user should win the search war. Load your tabs and fire.

    New Gov search tab at Clusty.
    Clusty’s Gov tab brings together a number of special collections using VivĂ­simo Velocity.
    This link goes to my blog about Clusty Gov tab.

  3. N says:

    Apple never gets tired of suing people for no good reason. They are supposed to be this cool company with innovative designs centered around the user – yeah, the user that Apple is suing.

    Apple is (arguably) a “cool” company (See ungodly iPod success) and Google is a “cool” company (See gMail and stock prices) so why oh why isn’t Apple smart enough to realize that cross promotion is a good thing? They will both help the other’s image!

    Of course it seems to me tha Jobs isn’t happy unless he’s making an obsene profit margin. (The iPods have always been rediculously expensive. As have Macs in general.) So maybe he’s just pissed that Google didn’t pay him a rediculous sum.

    I want to like Apple, I really, really do, but they’re behaving like such children. My toy, Mine!

  4. Ima Fish says:

    I don’t get it. We’ve been able to modify images by simply dragging your cursor of pictures on the net for several years now. This is just simple JavaScript.

    The only thing interesting about this is the allegation that Google is afraid that Apple might sue them. The fact that Apple is so litigious is simply incredible. It kind of makes me glad that Microsoft won over Apple. Microsoft is evil, but Apple takes it to a whole new level.

  5. K B says:

    A “cool company” is one that keeps you smiling while it takes your money. 🙂

  6. K B says:

    Maybe by the time I understand why icons are supposed to be useful I’ll understand why the mouse was not one of the most disastrous devices ever to be invented.

  7. Jim says:

    My secret Apple source. Yea, I’m ratting him out.
    I don’t want sued for illegal blogging.
    OS-F is coming out next according to insiders and shaggies.

  8. Daniel says:

    I find this all very interesting, since I believe it represents the emergence of a new technology.

    Have you see Gizoogle? (

    This thing does hilarious translations of otherwise straight pages. I had it translate my own site and was rolling on the floor laughing.

    When I thought about it, I realized that this is the first Google shell I have ever seen. People are writing shells for Google now. Anyone remember the last time this happened?

    …Please don’t BASH my comment! HA! (I kill me…)

  9. The brakes are off, and before long, Google could have a larger budget for fake blogs than actual bloggers have for real blogs. More blog ads should follow. Watch Google ad box selling free blogs to suckers. Tip of the day from Furby: If it is free, you don’t need an ad, people will find if worth finding! Google fired a blogger, Apple sued the bloggers and the White House has Furby. Furby is working for you and having fun with chips and dips. Don’t spend ad dollar selling free blogs. Buy a bag of chips. Blogging is fun. Furby is free. Outside it’s America.


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